Li Jean-Luc Harris Life Story and Biography

Thank you for wanting to Explore the Life of Li Jean-Luc Harris, this is his story based of being a looked after child, who faced a lot of mental health issues and Self Harm and homelessness unlike the blog posts this is in chronological order. and includes Actual Local Authority Reports, Medical Files, and various professional meetings. its all written in the 3rd person and has very limited redaction apart from any redactions made by the organisations who Li Harris may have done the (SAR) Subject Access requests on.  any redaction made by Li, will be indicated in bold as an author redaction with a reason for this

Please note this page is still in development and a lot of the timelines are currently still pending full release. 


Li Jean-Luc Harris Was Born In QEQM (Queen Elizabeth Queen Mothers) Hospital Margate, Kent">Li Jean-Luc Harris Was Born In QEQM (Queen Elizabeth Queen Mothers) Hospital Margate, Kent
QEQM Hospital Margate

Li Jean-Luc Harris was born in QEQM (Queen Elizabeth Queen Mothers) Hospital Margate, Kent on the 30th November 1996 at around 7pm 42 weeks gestation. Weight 3.98 kgs into a Hectic and dysfunctional family. his parents had suffered from previous generational Trauma which had been passed. at the time I…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Has ChickenPox">Li Jean-Luc Harris Has ChickenPox
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home visit – growth recorded. Li currently has chicken pox which he has had for a week. Drinking fluids well and eating normally. Sleeping a lot. Calpol given if whingy. Light clothing used and Calamine lotion. Developing normally.

Li Jean-Luc Harris Is Given his 1st primary immunization">Li Jean-Luc Harris Is Given his 1st primary immunization
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Is Given his 1st primary immunization

Li Jean-Luc Harris Is Given his 2nd primary immunization">Li Jean-Luc Harris Is Given his 2nd primary immunization
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Is Given his 2nd primary immunization

Li Jean-Luc Harris Is Given his 3rd primary immunization">Li Jean-Luc Harris Is Given his 3rd primary immunization
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Is Given his 3rd primary immunization

Li Jean-Luc Harris Has a developmental assessment, February 1998">Li Jean-Luc Harris Has a developmental assessment, February 1998
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home visit for developmental assessment. Concerns regarding left convergent squint. Refer to Opthomist. To attend surgery on Friday for hearing test.

Li Jean-Luc Harris Has a hearing test">Li Jean-Luc Harris Has a hearing test
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Passed his Hearing test, no concerns.

Li Jen-Luc Harris 2 1/4 Years Developmental Review, January 1999
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Developmental review – growth satisfactory. Speech and language age appropriate. Li Harris is Now wearing glasses.

Li Jean-Luc Harris Developmental Review, February 2000">Li Jean-Luc Harris Developmental Review, February 2000
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Difficulties outlined were speech and language delay, immature behaviour, stress relating to overcrowding.

Li Jean-Luc Harris Referral From pediatrician">Li Jean-Luc Harris Referral From pediatrician
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Referral made for a developmental assessment by the Paediatrician paediatrician referral received from, Health Visitor, regarding developmental concerns. Concerns were regarding locomotor, fine motor and speech and language. Li uses a dummy and is reluctant to remove it. He is under the care of the Ophthalmic for a squint and…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Is Placed on Speech and language therapy Waiting List">Li Jean-Luc Harris Is Placed on Speech and language therapy Waiting List
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report from speech and language therapy service advising that Li Jean-Luc Harris’s name is placed on the waiting list

Li Jean-Luc Harris Has 1st MMR and Meningitis C immunization">Li Jean-Luc Harris Has 1st MMR and Meningitis C immunization
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Has 1st MMR and Meningitis C immunization

Li Jean-Luc Harris Development Review, April 2000">Li Jean-Luc Harris Development Review, April 2000
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Li Harris attended a developmental review by Dr **** – conclusion was; Griffiths score within low average range. Main problems were unintelligible speech for which he has been referred to speech and language therapy. Another difficulty is that he always has a dummy in his mouth and is reluctant to…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends Northdown Nursery">Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends Northdown Nursery
Li Jean Luc Harris aged 6

Li Harris is  attending Northdown I Health Nursery and will be attending full time in September. Speech and language therapy commenced.

Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends Developmental Review, October 2000">Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends Developmental Review, October 2000
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Li attended for a review with his mother and, community paediatrician. Li has started at Northdown Nursey and also Millmead Playschool. He is on the waiting list for speech therapy. He is also under the care of the Opthomist at the hospital and has been wearing glasses for the last…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Receives Pre-school booster and 2nd MMR">Li Jean-Luc Harris Receives Pre-school booster and 2nd MMR
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Receives Pre-school booster and 2nd MMR

Li Jean-Luc Harris Developmental Review, February 2001">Li Jean-Luc Harris Developmental Review, February 2001
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Li Harris was seen for a developmental Health assessment buy Dr ****. Conclusion had been Li’s overall Griffiths score lies within the low/average range. He is Receiving all the necessary input. He is due to start school in September 2001. Li co-operated with tests on his own terms. He has…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Has Speech And Language Case Closed">Li Jean-Luc Harris Has Speech And Language Case Closed
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Letter received from speech and Health language therapist,****** ****, who concludes that all areas of Li’s speech and language are within average range for his age. He does not require any speech and language intervention, therefore cased closed

Li Jean-Luc Harris Turns 5 Years Old">Li Jean-Luc Harris Turns 5 Years Old
Li Jean Luc Harris Around 5

on the 30th november 2001  Li Jean-Luc Harris Turns 5 Years old he shows early signs of developmental issues and needed speech and language help, he also needs to wear glasses as has a lazy right eye. Still struggles with bedwetting li is also struggling with school, he does not…
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Table Of Contents1 REPORT OF ACHIEVEMENT Class BH Reception2 3 Results4 Attendance REPORT OF ACHIEVEMENT Class BH Reception Li Always comes to school happily and remains cheerful throughout the day. he has made progress in remembering names and is now more confident speaking in class discussions. Li is kind and…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris is Referred to Enuresis Clinic">Li Jean-Luc Harris is Referred to Enuresis Clinic
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Li Jean-Luc Harris is Referred to Lead Enuresis Clinic, due to continued nocturnal Bed wetting

Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends Enuresis Clinic, September 2002">Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends Enuresis Clinic, September 2002
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Reported that Li Harris has always wet the bed and wears pull ups. There is no daytime wetting, no frequency, normal stream, bowels regular. No infections. Reported there is enuresis in the family Li Jean-Luc Harris’s Behaviours are also getting worse and are hard to control.

Li Jean-Luc Harris was referred to CAMS Child and adolescent mental health services">Li Jean-Luc Harris was referred to CAMS Child and adolescent mental health services
CAMS Child and adolescent mental health services logo

Referred by Drapers Mills Primary School, because of behavioural issues and concerns within the family.

Li Jean-Luc Harris – The First Time The Thing Happened">Li Jean-Luc Harris – The First Time The Thing Happened
Li Jean Luc Harris Aged around 8 Li Jean-Luc Harris Describes “The Thing” as the first time he self-harmed and also the most severe type of self harm he did. During a very traumatic time in his life.  it is something he still has to cope with this day. He does not remember the exact date…
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CAMHS Child and adolescent mental health services Update, July 2004
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There has been good improvement reported both at home and at school after taking Ritalin, although the benefits at home were less sustained. Fighting occurs with brother due to them winding him up and breaking his toys. Both boys complained that he had been very rough with them and teased.…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Attended A&E after accident – Li being poked in the eye by the zip of his coat">Li Jean-Luc Harris Attended A&E after accident – Li being poked in the eye by the zip of his coat
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Attended A&E after accident – Li being poked in the eye by the zip of his coat Li Harris remember this event as him doing his zip and beaning lent over and somehow catching his eye with the zipper

Drapers mills 1 Day Exclusion (Theft)
drapers mills primary school logo

22 June 2005 Parents/Gurdians of Li Harris Class 3P Dear Parents of Li Harris I am writing to inform you of my decision to exclude Li Harris for one school day on Thursday 23rd June 2005. Li should return to school on Friday 24th June at 8.55a.m. This action has…
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CAMHS Letter to GP Regarding General Updates Aug 2005
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‘Our Ref: BN/LK/03/540 05 August 2005 PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL De Scott BETHESDA MEDICAL CENTRE Dear Dr Scott Re: Li HARRIS — Please refer to previous correspondence. I had the pleasure of reviewing Li with his sister and mother on 4.8.05. Clinic transport was provided. Unfortunately half brother Michael was awaywith…
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CAMHS Child and adolescent mental health services Update, February 2006
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CAMHS report; Attended review with Dr Nairac, consultant psychiatrist, reported that his moods and behaviours are improved and at school. Continue on medicationEquasmXL 20 ml and Melatonine 2 tablets at night.

Orchard House CAMHS – Medication Increase and alterations May 2016
CAMS Child and adolescent mental health services logo

Our Ref RS/SW/03/540 8″ May 2006 Private & Confidential Dr Scott Bethesda Medical Centre Palm Bay Avenue Cliftonville MARGATE Dear Dr Scott Re: Li Harris Just a quick note to say that I had a telephone conversation with Li Harris’s mum on 5th May 2006. Unfortunately Li has become very…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Visits A&E Due to a burn">Li Jean-Luc Harris Visits A&E Due to a burn
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Li Jean-Luc Harris has a Burn to his left index finger with a lighter whilst melting Toys with his brother

Drapers Mills 1 Day Alternative Hours (Pushing Staff Member)
drapers mills primary school logo

10 January 2007 Dear Parents of Li Harris Notice of Alternative Hours i am sorry to report my decision to impose a Notice of Alternative Hours on Li Harris for a period of 1 day. This means that normal school times are suspended for him and instead he should be…
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Drapers Mills 3 Day Exclusion (Smoking on School Premises)
drapers mills primary school logo

16 January 2007 Parents of Li Harris I am writing to inform you of my decision to exclude Li for a fixed period of three days. This means that he will not be allowed in school for this period. The exclusion begins on Wednesday 17 January 2007 and ends on…
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Drapers Mills 1 Day Alternative Hours (Abusive to Staff)
drapers mills primary school logo

31 January 2007 Dear Parents of Li Harris Notice of Alternative Hours Notice of Alternative Hours on Li Harris for a period of 1 day. 1 am sorry to report my decision to impose a This means that norma! school times are suspended for him and instead he should be…
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Drapers Mills 1 Day Alternative Hours (Abusive to Staff)
drapers mills primary school logo

09 March 2007 Dear Parents of Li Harris Notice of Alternative Hours: I am sorry to report my decision to impose a Notice of Alternative Hours on Li Harris for a period of 1 day. This means that normal school times are suspended for him and instead he should be…
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Drapers Mills 1 Day Alternative Hours (Abusive to Staff)
drapers mills primary school logo

19 March 2007 Dear Parents of Li Harris Notice of Alternative Hours I am sorry to report my decision to impose a Notice of Alternative Hours on Li Harris for a period of 1 day. This means that normal school times are suspended for him and instead he should be…
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Drapers Mills 1 Day Alternative Hours (Abusive to Staff)
drapers mills primary school logo 01 May 2007 Dear Parents of Li Harris Notice of Alternative Hours I am sorry to report my decision to impose a Notice of Alternative Hours on Li Harris for a period of 1 day. This means that normal school times are suspended for him and instead he should…
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Drapers Mills 1 Day Alternative Hours (Abusive to Child)
drapers mills primary school logo

09 May 2007 Dear Parents of Li Harris Notice of Alternative Hours I am sorry to report my decision to impose a Notice of Alternative Hours on Li Harris for a period of 2 days. This means that normal school times are suspended for him and instead he should be…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Moves into full time care with his Father">Li Jean-Luc Harris Moves into full time care with his Father
Li Jean Luc Harris Year 6 Drapers Mills

after Li Jean-Luc Harris and his brother stealing off their mum and gambling it down at the local arcades in margate. his mum could no longer deal with them as the pressure from social services, and the task load of the six other children she looked after on her own…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris is Placed on Child Protection Register">Li Jean-Luc Harris is Placed on Child Protection Register
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Placed on child Protection List under the category of neglect.

Li Jean-Luc Harris’s Child Protection Register Review, October 2007">Li Jean-Luc Harris’s Child Protection Register Review, October 2007
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Li Harris remains on the child protection register, now lives with his father and continues to have enuresis. Continuing to see Dr. Nairac. Li’s behaviour in school is erratic. Additional support with a teaching assistant is in place

5 Months with Father, things are not looking any better
Li Jean Luc Harris Year 6 Drapers Mills

although my mum had tried a lot to regulate and care for us, most of my most familiar memories of my father are negative Smashing my mums windows getting arrested trying to push my mum down the stairs him constantly hitting us taking my brother away and forcing him to…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris – and his fathers care breaks down – Li Harris to become Looked After Child">Li Jean-Luc Harris – and his fathers care breaks down – Li Harris to become Looked After Child
li jean luc harris around age 7

After an incident with his father Li Jean-Luc Harris and his brother where given up to the local authority and now will be looked after by social services, this was a very hard time for Li, and caused a lot of stress. The reason this happened was because Li Jean-Luc…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Becomes a Looked After Child">Li Jean-Luc Harris Becomes a Looked After Child
Li Jean Luc Harris and his Mum Just after going into foster care

Li Jean-Luc Harris Becomes a Looked After Child aged 11, on the 20th January 2005 he explains his experiences to be traumatic and one that he we will never forget, both his father dropping him and his brother off to school for the last time and the experiences of crying…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris First Foster Care Placement">Li Jean-Luc Harris First Foster Care Placement
Li Jean Luc Harris in Year 7 Hearson School

Li Jean-Luc Harris moved into a temporary foster care placement with Sally and Peter, who was a family friend. Although he later discovered they was not really friends and that a family member had ran away with sally’s  previous husband. Li, felt like they did not suit this placement for…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Kent County Council (LAC) Looked After Child Review, February 2008">Li Jean-Luc Harris Kent County Council (LAC) Looked After Child Review, February 2008
KCC Kent County Council Logo

Table Of Contents1 Health And Development2 Emotional wellbeing, identity, self esteem, attachments3 Contact And Family4 Legal Matters Health And Development Li Harris’s general health is good but he suffers from ADHD and, for this reason, sees Dr Nairac at Orchard House. He has been prescribed melatonin for insomnia but is…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Development Update, March 2008">Li Jean-Luc Harris Development Update, March 2008
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Referral received from  Inclusion Manager at Drapers Mills. Li is in foster care. A referral has been made regarding concerns over development, low self esteem, poor body image, motor skills and coordination. Li is registered on school action with behaviour being his prime need. Also presents with motor skills problems.…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Kent County Council (LAC) Looked After Child Review, April 2008">Li Jean-Luc Harris Kent County Council (LAC) Looked After Child Review, April 2008
KCC Kent County Council Logo

Table Of Contents1 Education2 Medical3 Emotional wellbeing, identity1 attachments, self esteem4 Contact and family relationship Education This would be of great concern as Li’s predicated SAT results are less then expected. The interim report provided for today’s meeting gives E for Effort in an subjects and for behaviour. His progress…
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Drapers Mills Primary School Update on collar bone
drapers mills primary school logo

Li Harris was sent to the office at lunchtime in agony and was in tears. He was adamant he had not fallen, had not been hit or banged himself in any way. However, his shoulder was extremely painful and he would not let anyone near him to check this out.…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Fractured his Left collarbone">Li Jean-Luc Harris Fractured his Left collarbone
Clavicle Fracture

Attended  A&E with a left shoulder injury. Li 9.52am reported that he was running along and flung his arm back yesterday whilst in the playground at school. Following examination and x-ray it was discovered that there was a fracture of the left Clavicle, which was discussed with the carer. She…
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Drapers Mills Primary School Get Confirmation of broken collar bone
drapers mills primary school logo

Mrs Johnson (carer) came to let us know that Li has in fact broken his collar bone and asked what had happened. I confirmed that despite close questioning by Mrs Hill and myself  Li Harris was adamant he had not had a fall, trip, knock or anything similar therefore no…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris no longer on Child Protection Register">Li Jean-Luc Harris no longer on Child Protection Register
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Children were removed from the Protection Register and a plan for Children in Need was made

Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends Enuresis Clinic, June 2008">Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends Enuresis Clinic, June 2008
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Attended enuresis clinic with Dr. Saffi-Ullah accompanied by foster carer. Advice given for primary nocturnal Enuresis. Li and his carer were given several options and opted for Desmomelt medication.

Li Jean-Luc Harris Has an Adoption Medical">Li Jean-Luc Harris Has an Adoption Medical
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adoption medical performed by Dr. Saffi-Ullah  Recommendations had been; ongoing support for emotional and behavioural health and ADHD ongoing support for special educational needs  ongoing support for nocturnal enuresis ongoing support for vision checks

Li Jean-Luc Harris is considered for Special Educational Needs">Li Jean-Luc Harris is considered for Special Educational Needs
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Letter received from Health Educational Needs, stating that they are considering whether to carry out a statutory assessment for special educational needs on Li.

Drapers Mills Primary School Record Year 6
drapers mills primary school logo

OVERALL EFFORT FOR THE YEAR A = working very hard; B = good effort: C = satisfactory effort: D = poor effort: E = only works when pushed. PROCRESS (relative to your child’s ability) 1 = making good progress: 2 = making satisfactory progress; 3 = making poor progress. OVERALL…
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CAMHS Child and adolescent mental health services Update, October 2008
CAMS Child and adolescent mental health services logo

CAMHS report; Attended a review with Health Health Record Dr Nairac Consultant Psychiatrist with foster carer. Continue with EquasymXL 30 mls daily. Dr. Nairac requested he kept posted as there may be a change of placement. Also just started Hereson School and reading age is quite delayed. Reported to be…
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Foster Care Placement With Sally and Peter Ends
Li Jean Luc Harris and his Mum Just after going into foster care

After Li Jean-Luc Harris spent around 10 months with Sally, the placement finally ended, and Li  partied as they drove away. Although nervous about the next placement Li  was hopeful that the next placement would not be as bad as the last one. Li Jean-Luc Harris strongly believes that from…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Moves In With Carol and John – His Second Foster Care Placement">Li Jean-Luc Harris Moves In With Carol and John – His Second Foster Care Placement
Young Image of Li Jean Luc Harris Around age 11

Li Harris Considers His Placement With Carol And John to be one of the most influential times in his childhood. where he was able to discover himself, his feelings and start the process of healing although you can read the full blog post about Li Jean-Luc Harris and his experiences…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends a Clinical Appointment, November 2008">Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends a Clinical Appointment, November 2008
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Attended clinic appointment with Dr. Saffi-Ullah, Paediatrician, accompanied by his new foster carer. Li has been treated with different local cream, anti fungal, for the infection in his Redacted by author “The Thing” and is awaiting an appointment with a dermatologist. Dr Saffi-Ullah. Did inspect his Redacted by author “The…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends a Clinical Appointment, December 2008">Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends a Clinical Appointment, December 2008
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Li was seen by Dr Baron at the paediatric dermatology clinic. Li was reported by his carers to have an Offensive smell. Dr Baron was not able to detect any odour and could not find any evidence of a problem. Skin swab taken – some bacteria detected. HIV test result…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Joins 14th Broadstairs Scout Group">Li Jean-Luc Harris Joins 14th Broadstairs Scout Group
Scouts Logo UK

Li Jean-Luc Harris Joins Scouts and joins the 14th Broadstairs Scout Group He attends weekly and take parts in some physical activities, although he has struggled to get on with some people and did have to move group at one point. Li Harris Dose gain a few badges, but dose…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris, January 2009">Contact Made to Clinical Professional Regarding Li Jean-Luc Harris, January 2009
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Foster carer had contacted Paediatrician regarding concerns and the smell in his Redacted by Author – “the thing” and infection. She reports the smell was very bad and he is bathing twice a day. Advice requested. Paediatrician advised to go and see GP for treatment

Li Jean-Luc Harris Kent County Council (LAC) Looked After Child Review, March 2009">Li Jean-Luc Harris Kent County Council (LAC) Looked After Child Review, March 2009
KCC Kent County Council Logo

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The Ellington & Hereson School Incident ICT Department (stolen Laptop)
ellington and hereson school logo

Name of pupil: Li Harris Form INCIDENT: Li has stolen a school laptop and attempted to disguise it by using a black permanent marker to go over the school logo and asset number. He has installed an illegal copy of Windows 7. His carer found the laptop and returned it…
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Kent County Council – Social Services Department Closure/Transfer Summary New Social Worker, February 2010
KCC Kent County Council Logo

Table Of Contents1 Date, Source and details of referral2 Significant Changes in People or Circumstances since referral3 Actions Taken and other Resources Deployed4 Aims Achieved5 Reasons for Closure/ Transfer Date, Source and details of referral Li Jean-Luc Harris has suffered emotional abuse living with both parents individually and together. He…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends a Clinical Appointment, April 2010">Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends a Clinical Appointment, April 2010
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ttended clinic with Dr. Sarmah. Li Health Health record attended with his foster carer following a referral for a history of current UTls and male odorous Redacted by author -“The Thing” etc. Li has had a long standing history of Redacted by author -“The Thing” infection and a smelly Redacted…
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CAMHS Child and adolescent mental health services Update, April 2010
CAMS Child and adolescent mental health services logo

Attended for a review with Dr Nairac Consultant Psychiatrist. Medication for ADHD review deferred. No change for now.

Email From Li Harris’s Social Worker To Head Of The Ellington and hearson school (RE: Teacher calling Li A Retard)
ellington and hereson school logo

Listen to this article: From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected] k] Sent: 29 June 2010 09:02 To: Jackie Simpson Cc; Jenny Downs Subject: RE: L Harris DoB: 30/11/1996 – Fixed Term Exclusion & Reported Incident Importance: High For the attention of Tony Hamson. Dear Mr Hamson I am the case holding social…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends Health Review 07/02/2010">Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends Health Review 07/02/2010
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Assessment. Recommendations had been. For professional meeting to discuss the way forward regarding lack of resolution for derma logical condition  To encourage to improve dental hygiene To refer to speech and language therapy Health Promotion leaflets given

The Ellington & Hereson School Incident (Sports Day)
ellington and hereson school logo

Form 8 LE6 Date 6/7/10 Name of pupil: Li Harris INCIDENT: Reported by Jenny Downs During sports day I observed Li with a large branch from a tree which had a pointed end, he used this to threaten a couple of boys. I called to Li to stop and asked…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends Enuresis Clinic, August 2010">Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends Enuresis Clinic, August 2010
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Li attended the joint enuresis clinic with Dr Saffi-Ullah accompanied by foster carer. Being seen in clinic for his nocturnal enuresis. Was last review ed in January 2010. He has been using Desmomelt 250 mgs daily at night. He was advised to have a trial off of Desmomelt when he…
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The Ellington & Hereson School Incident (Changing BIOS Passwords)
ellington and hereson school logo

Listen to this Article: INCIDENT: Li managed to get hold of the BIOS password for some of our computers. He then decided to change the password on about 12 computers around the school forcing the computer to require a password to Startup. This meant the technicians had to change…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends QEQM Hospital October 2010">Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends QEQM Hospital October 2010
QEQM Hospital Margate

Attended a Clinic at QEQM Hospital accompanied by foster carer attendenced regarding blood in clothing and sheets. some blod tests have been performed FBS UNE TFT and LFT bone profile and CRP all normal. Urine dipstick also performed – no signs of infection.   The foster carer had reported there…
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The Ellington & Hereson School Incident English (Disruption)
ellington and hereson school logo

Listen to the Article: Name of pupil: Li Harris Form: LE5 Date: 10/11/10 INCIDENT: Reported by: D Sear Li was quiet at the start of my lesson, but when I asked the boys to begin work Li just kept shouting things at the top of voice, such as ‘l…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Kent County Council (LAC) Looked After Child Review, December 2010">Li Jean-Luc Harris Kent County Council (LAC) Looked After Child Review, December 2010
KCC Kent County Council Logo

Table Of Contents1 Main Review1.1 Highlight any other outstanding health/developmental needs/issues not referred to above and whether any changes are needed to the current health care arrangements1.2 Highlight child/young person’s achievements in school since last review (both academic and non academic achievements)1.3 Comment on quality of the attachment between child/young…
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The Ellington & Hereson School Incident (Changing Passwords on Computers)
ellington and hereson school logo

Maths 93b OH Small group sectioned off from main group (6 Pupils) No room available so worked in open plan area. Li Harris noticed one of the computers was not working and kept touching it, fiddling with the keyboard. i tried everything from turning it off to moving him but…
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The Ellington & Hereson School Incident (disruption English)
ellington and hereson school logo

Listen to the article: Name of pupil: Li Harris Form: LE5 Date: 24/11/10 INCIDENT: Reported by: D Sear When asked to get laptops Li came back with one then told me that he wasn’t allowed to use computer so he assumed a laptop was ok. When I asked him…
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The Ellington & Hereson School Incident Math’s
ellington and hereson school logo

Name of pupil Li Harris Year 9LES Date: 26/11/2010 Incident: Small group sectioned off off for math’s lesions Li came in bragging he had messed up lots of computers comparing his efforts with the others. as he had given them the code language. very sexual. constant referral to cock sucking,…
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The Ellington & Hereson School Incident (Disruptive)
ellington and hereson school logo

Maths 93B OH art mobile   Li Harris constantly eating sweets and drinking ” Coloured water” very hyper – AL. Sat with him all lesson but not much work completed language very “Flowery Coming from “3 Redacted names” And always with a sexual reference.

Emails to teachers at Ellington and Hearson school regarding Li Harris
ellington and hereson school logo

Listen to the Article: Mary Anthony From: Jenny Downs 29 November 2010 13:29 Mary Anthony Subject: RE: Li Harris Sent: To: problem with Li coming out of another lesson is where is he going to go and what is going to be ‘Joing? Also if he is being sent…
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The Ellington & Hereson School Incident (absent)
ellington and hereson school logo

Maths 93b OH SG09 Discovered that if i play music after work set this small group of lads are much calmer. more work completed today and general language better though today Li Harris is absent so dynamics of the group changed.

The Ellington & Hereson School Incident (Inappropriate music tried attacking pupil with table)
ellington and hereson school logo

Name Of Pupil Li Harris Form LE5 date 1/12/10 Reported by Odette Humphries Li Harris was in a small math’s group but refused to work, class allowed to listen to music once work set as it seems to settle them. Li then suggested a song to *Redacted name* who put…
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Ellington & Hereson School Email Regarding Carer Finding stolen Laptop
ellington and hereson school logo

From: Sent: Jenny Downs dlecember201012:07 To: Mary Subject: Li Harris Hi. Just had Li’s carer on the phone, she has found a laptop at home that she thinks belongs to the school. She says that black permanent marker pen has been applied all over the top, she believes to try…
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Ellington & Hereson School Email From Science Teacher Regarding Behavior’s issues and aggression
ellington and hereson school logo

Simon From: Jenny Downs Sent: 05 January 2011 14:05 To: Hannah Pearce; Simon Francis Subject: Li Harris ● Hi Happy New Year There is a meeting next week with social services could you please give me some comments on the following Behaviour Attitude Peers Work Homework Concerns Thank you Jenny…
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The Ellington & Hereson School Incident Racist
ellington and hereson school logo

Name of pupil: Li Harris Form; LE5 Date: 05/01/11 INCIDENT: Reported by: D Sear Constantly shouting making it impossible to teach, making racist comments about Redacted s step dad. E.g. ‘He eats dog!’ The other boys then joined in and would not listen when I asked them to stop.

The Ellington & Hereson School Incident Math’s (Refusal to do work)
ellington and hereson school logo

Maths 93b – Art Mobile Li Harris refused to do any work, wrote in his book “aint doing any work until i go back to miss Stevens class” Language is foul also stoped others working. mr Carnell trying to work in the next room continually coming in to quite them…
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The Ellington & Hereson School Incident Math’s (Disruption)
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Maths 93b SG06 Li Harris again refusing to do work very rude, insulting Redacted name by ellington and hereson school twice. Li Upturned a table out of his seat and then just as mr Doyle arrived he was threatening  Redacted name by ellington and hereson school  then answered me back.…
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The Ellington & Hereson School Incident ART (Disruptive Behaviour)
ellington and hereson school logo

Name of pupil: Li Harris Form: _9.2 B Date 01/02/11 INCIDENT: Reported by – Melanie ART Stupid disruptive behaviour, no respect shown towards staff or other pupils in class. Stopping teaching and learning. He refuses to stay quiet at the start of the lesson making it impossible to take register…
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Kent County Council Professional Meeting 8 February 2011
KCC Kent County Council Logo

Ms Lawrence reported that she was asked to carry out a Language and Social Communication disorder Assessment for Li and discussed with Carol a lot of background information and there were significant behavioural issues. There were also concerns and reports coming from the school relating to David’s behaviour, Ms Lawrence…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris, March 2011">Network Meeting Regarding Li Jean-Luc Harris, March 2011
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Table Of Contents1 Meeting2 Actions:3 Present Meeting Carol stated that Li last saw Dr Nairac a year ago and he just prescribed medication. Social Worker advised that she has not received an update from Dr Nairac as yet. Re: Assessment. Head of Year gave an update on Li. He is…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Publicly tells the world that he is gay">Li Jean-Luc Harris Publicly tells the world that he is gay
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After a lot of fear had built up inside of me after My First Foster carers Sally and Peter denied my sexuality and 3 more attempts after this, which i later redacted due to fear of rejection Li Jean-Luc Harris finally announced to the world that he was Gay And…
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NHS Sussex Partnership System Clinical Note
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Clinical Note Author Unknown (Migrated) Type Unknown (Migrated) – Unknown (Migrated) Summary Social Worker Note Date Date 27/04/2012 Time 16:31 Entered: 27/04/2012 16:39 Clinical Note: TDD AMPH BACKUP CONTACT: 16.00: T/C to Karly Ratcliffe, SW for Li ) *Redacted By “NHS Sussex Partnership” – she said that MHA Assessment should…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris is Admitted to Kent and Medway Adolescent Unit, Woodland House Tonbridge">Li Jean-Luc Harris is Admitted to Kent and Medway Adolescent Unit, Woodland House Tonbridge
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I was Admitted to Kent and Medway Adolescent Unit, Woodland House Tonbridge you can read the full blog post here -> Sectioned under the mental health act aged 15. At Kent and Medway adolescence hospital, (woodland House) Staplehurst Kent (KMAH)

KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 01/05/2012
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01/05/2012 21:00 General – STaR/Support Worker Title:Night Shift LH has been nursed on int.obs. He was quiet on the ward in the evening and spoke very little. Once settled in his room he at first appeared red eyed as if he had been crying and support was offered but he…
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KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 02/05/2012
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02/05/2012 21:00 General – STaR/Support Worker Title:Night Shift LH has been nursed on 1-1 eyesight observations. He was self isolative but responded when approached in conversation. He retired to bed at 22.30hrs and once in bed found it very difficult to settle and took until 00.30hrs until he appeared asleep.…
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KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 03/05/2012
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03/05/2012 23:59 Inpatient – Nursing Title:Night Shift Li presented as tense at the beginning of the shift saying he found it too intrusive being on eyesight observations. He said he did not understand the reasons for these observations and he is used to a high level of privacy during which…
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KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 04/05/2012
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04/05/2012 23:59 Inpatient – Nursing Title:Night Shift Li remains on eyesight observations, which he expresses his frustrations with. However he has been pleasant on approach laughing and joking with staff at times, including how he got his middle names and how he had been knocked out when he got into…
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KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 05/05/2012
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05/05/2012 23:59 Inpatient – Nursing Title:Night Shift Li was in the games room at the start of the shift watching a film with some of his peers, he then moved to the dining area where he chatted with peers until 23:00. Li initially said that he wasn’t going to go…
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KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 06/05/2012
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06/05/2012 21:00 Inpatient – Nursing Title:Night shift Li has been nursed safely on 1:1 observations. He was watching a film in the evening in the games room with peers, laughing appropriately. He said a few times how much he hated being on 1:1 and he wanted to request his discharge…
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KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 07/05/2012
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07/05/2012 21:00 Inpatient – Nursing Title:Night shift Li appears to be bright in mood interacting and engaging well, he requested for his PRN risperidone 0.5mg he said he is feeing anxoius and agitated. He retires to bed at 2230 and appears to have slept through the night —————————–Confirmed By OOgunode@,…
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KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 08/05/2012
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08/05/2012 21:36 Inpatient – Nursing Title:TW Shift Li appeared low having spoke with Dr G this afternoon. He was upset that he about being on 1:1 as he complains it makes him feel anxious. Li spoke on the phone to his mum for a short while and said it was…
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KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 09/05/2012
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Event By: Ragnhild Banton 09/05/2012 21:00 Inpatient – Nursing Title:Night shift Li had a quiet night, he interact and engages well with peers. Join in playing games as well. He appears to be flat in mood. H e retires to bed at 2130 and was observed to be asleep but…
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KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 10/05/2012
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0/05/2012 23:00 Inpatient – Nursing Title:Night duty Li was euthymic in mood at the start of the shift, he responded to greeting appropriately. Went to bed promptly at 22:30 and slept throughout, remains on 1:1 eye sight observation, slept throughout the shift, nil eventful shift. —————————–Confirmed By NReid@, 10/05/2012 19:31…
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KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 11/05/2012
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11/05/2012 21:00 Inpatient – Nursing Title:Night shift Li remains nursed on 1:1 eye sight observation. At the start of t he shift he was on the phone to the foster mum, mum ask to speak to a member of staff, which was done. She wanted to know what the procedure…
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KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 12/05/2012
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2/05/2012 23:59 Inpatient – Nursing Title:Night shift Li stated at the start of the shift that he was tired and wanted to go to bed. He went up to his room at 21:15 after getting his clean clothes from the laundry room and clean sheets for his bed, which he…
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KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 13/05/2012
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13/05/2012 23:59 Inpatient – Nursing Title:Night shift Li was observed to be euthymic in mood during the evening. He went to bed at the start of the shift and was observed to be asleep at 22:30 and to sleep throughout the night. —————————–Confirmed By CMcKenzie@, 14/05/2012 13/05/2012 22:19 Inpatient –…
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KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 14/05/2012
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14/05/2012 23:59 Inpatient – Nursing Title:Night Shift Li presented as subdued and withdrawn, he went to bed around ten. Although restless at times Li slept until 06.10, tried to sleep after this but was unable to. Li was asked at 07.00 if he would like to get up but he…
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KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 15/05/2012
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15/05/2012 23:58 Inpatient – Nursing Title:Night Shift Li presented as happy and relaxed at the start of the shift, he expressed his relief at being taken off eye sight observations, saying he was glad to have some privacy. Li was aware that his level of observations depends on the risks…
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KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 16/05/2012
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16/05/2012 23:59 Inpatient – Nursing Title:Night Shift Li presented as euthymic, he asked to go to bed at the beginning of the shift stating he would like to go to his room from the afternoon, he was encouraged to remain in communal areas for a bit longer. He went to…
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KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 17/05/2012
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17/05/2012 23:59 Inpatient – Nursing Title:Night Shift Li was in bed and appeared asleep when checked at the start of the shift and when checked throughout the night. – —————————- Confirmed By [email protected], 18/05/2012 17/05/2012 19:53 Inpatient – Nursing Title:late shift li complained of feeling low in mood but did…
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KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 18/05/2012
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18/05/2012 19:55 Inpatient – Nursing Title:Late shift Li has been observed to be euthymic in mood throughout much of the afternoon and evening. He has not engaged in groups or education, choosing instead to spend time with peers in the communal areas. He has expressed being tired, and in the…
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KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 19/05/2012
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19/05/2012 19:40 Inpatient – Nursing Title:Night Shift Li has presented as settled in mood and has not displayed any risk behaviours. He has spent his day playing on the XBox and listening to music in the lounge and spent some time asleep on the sofa. Li has made minimal interactions…
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KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 20/05/2012
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20/05/2012 06:52 Inpatient – Nursing Title:Night shift Li spent most of the evening sitting in the games room playing on the x box, he went to bed at 2200 and has slept throughout the night. – —————————- Confirmed By ABromley@, 20/05/2012

KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 22/05/2012
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22/05/2012 22:00 Inpatient – Nursing Title:Night shift Li has been nursed on intermittent observations this shift. He asked to go to bed as soon as night staff came on this evening and so went to bed at 21.00. He setled to bed and appeared asleep by 22.00 and woke once…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Kent County Council (LAC) Looked After Child Review, May 2012">Li Jean-Luc Harris Kent County Council (LAC) Looked After Child Review, May 2012
KCC Kent County Council Logo

Table Of Contents1 Main Looked After Child Review1.1 Any illnesses or hospital admissions since last review? Yes. If yes, details1.2 Highlight any other outstanding health/developmental needs/issues not referred to above and whether any changes are needed to the current health care arrangements1.3 Have there been any change~ in school/nursery since…
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KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 23/05/2012
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23/05/2012 23:59 Inpatient – Nursing Title:Night Shift Li was in bed at the start of the shift and appeared asleep. At the check at 23:30 he was noted to have wet his bed. Staff woke him and encouraged him to change his pyjamas and his bedding was changed. Li could…
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Email Communication From Dr. Nairac and Dr Garrett RE: Li Harris 07/12/12
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From: Nairac Bertrand (EAST KENT HOSPITALS UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST) Sent: 12 July 2012 12:38 RE: Update Nairac Bertrand (EAST KENT HOSPITALS UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST) Sent: 12 July 2012 12:38 To: Garrett, Helen [ Cc: Bennett Wayne (EAST KENT HOSPITALS UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST); Marlow, Elizabeth [ Importance: High…
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Placement With Carol and John Ends
Li Jean Luc Harris Aged 13 15

While in hospital, Carol and John was told they had to end the placement by my social worker, and the local authority  due to concerns that they would not be able to provide the right care for me and my mental health Read my blog to find out more -> The…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Kent County Council (LAC) Looked After Child Review, July 2012">Li Jean-Luc Harris Kent County Council (LAC) Looked After Child Review, July 2012
KCC Kent County Council Logo

Table Of Contents1 Any illness or hospitalisations since the last review yes, if yes, details2 Highlight any other outstanding health/developmental needs/issues not referred to above and whether any changes are needed to thek current health arrangements3 Have there been any changes in school/nursery since last review? | If yes, details…
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KMAH Care Plan For Li Harris 29/07/2012
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RISK ASSESSMENT: Li has been nursed on general observations throughout this week, is spending significant periods of time off the ward. Li has now been stopped from spending time in reception without staff supervision. This is due to him ‘boasting’ that he is able to hack into the computer in…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris is Discharged From Kent and Medway Adolescent Unit, Woodland House Tonbridge">Li Jean-Luc Harris is Discharged From Kent and Medway Adolescent Unit, Woodland House Tonbridge
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Li Jean-Luc Harris is Discharged From Kent and Medway Adolescent Unit, Woodland House Tonbridge you can read the full post at -> Sectioned under the mental health act aged 15. At Kent and Medway adolescence hospital, (woodland House) Staplehurst Kent (KMAH)

Li Jean-Luc Harris is moved to Pilgrims Corner -> Verona House in Herne Bay">Li Jean-Luc Harris is moved to Pilgrims Corner -> Verona House in Herne Bay
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After Li Jean-Luc Harris Was Discharged from the mental health hospital  it was agreed upon that he should move to Verona House in Herne Bay, Part of Pilgrims corner at the time. Li was very reluctant in this placement and would be very disruptive and dismissive. Li Discloses this was…
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Pilgrims Corner File Note, 06/11/2012
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At10:45 Li came to talk to me about his computer time this time I was in another young person’s bed room. I saw Lt wiping his right index finger; I asked Li what was wrong with his finger; he said he had a cut on his finger. I asked how…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris – Attends Keyworking Session At Pilgrims Corner, 09 November, 2012">Li Jean-Luc Harris – Attends Keyworking Session At Pilgrims Corner, 09 November, 2012
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Table Of Contents1 observation of mood commencing the Session:2 Targeted outcomes for session to include activities for following week:3 Sessional content:4 Observed mood, behaviour, levels of positive engagement and inclusion of session: observation of mood commencing the Session: Li was prepared to engage openly and appeared both calm and relaxed.…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris – Attends Keyworking Session At Pilgrims Corner, 10 November, 2012">Li Jean-Luc Harris – Attends Keyworking Session At Pilgrims Corner, 10 November, 2012
Pilgrims Corner Logo

Table Of Contents1 Observation of mood commencing the session:2 Targeted outcomes for session to include activities for following week:3 Sessional content: Observation of mood commencing the session: Li was prepared to discuss matters in an open and mature fashion. Targeted outcomes for session to include activities for following week: 1.…
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Pilgrims Corner File Notes 11.11.12
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All day Li’s behaviour has been very up and down. Li has said several times today that he is not happy here and is leaving tomorrow. Following dinner Li was asked by me, JL, to help out with the chores. Li repeatedly said no and that he did not care…
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Pilgrims Corner File Note 05.11.2012
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Whilst myself JL, and WG was attempting to hold the children’s house meeting Li was very disruptive and constantly talking over staff members and YP’s. Li was asked on several occasions to stop this and to participate appropriately within the meeting but Li continued with his behaviour. This led to…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris – Attends Keyworking Session At Pilgrims Corner, 20 December 2012">Li Jean-Luc Harris – Attends Keyworking Session At Pilgrims Corner, 20 December 2012
Pilgrims Corner Logo

Table Of Contents1 Observation of mood commencing the session:2 Targeted outcomes for session to include activities for following week:3 Sessional content:4 Observed mood, behaviour, levels of positive engagement and conclusion of session Observation of mood commencing the session: Li appeared happy and relaxed Targeted outcomes for session to include activities…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris – Attends Keyworking Session At Pilgrims Corner, 15th January 2013">Li Jean-Luc Harris – Attends Keyworking Session At Pilgrims Corner, 15th January 2013
Pilgrims Corner Logo

Table Of Contents1 Observation of mood commencing the session:2 Targeted outcomes for session to include activities for following week:3 Sessional content: Observation of mood commencing the session: Li was prepared to engage openly and appeared both calm and relaxed. Targeted outcomes for session to include activities for following week: How…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris – Attends Keyworking Session At Pilgrims Corner, 18th January 2013">Li Jean-Luc Harris – Attends Keyworking Session At Pilgrims Corner, 18th January 2013
Pilgrims Corner Logo

Table Of Contents1 observation of mood commencing The session:2 Targeted outcomes for session to include activities for following week:3 Sessional content: observation of mood commencing The session: I asked to have a chat with Li about his future and how he feels about the prospect of moving on from Verona…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Kent County Council (LAC) Looked After Child Review, February 2013">Li Jean-Luc Harris Kent County Council (LAC) Looked After Child Review, February 2013
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Any illnesses or hospital admissions since last review? If yes, details Verona house have now managed to .establish links with the hospital *Redacted The Thing” and are progressing the appointment. This information will be passed to the 16 Plus team Highlight any other outstanding health/developmental needs/issues not referred to above…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Leaves Verona House Pilgrims Corner">Li Jean-Luc Harris Leaves Verona House Pilgrims Corner
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After pilgrims corner explored all possibilities to get Li Jean-Luc Harris to abide by the rules and prepare for independence , Li feels like he had to bend all the rules to move out this placement and was in his own words, a living nightmare to deal with, eventually 28…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Moves to Edwin Therapeutic Unit With Independence-Development ltd">Li Jean-Luc Harris Moves to Edwin Therapeutic Unit With Independence-Development ltd
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Li Jean-Luc Harris got his wish to move out of Pilgrims corner and now resides at a semi-independence placement in Gravesend Called Edwin Therapeutic Unit With Independence-Development Ltd. Li is now expected to food shop, budget for himself, clean his clothes and room, cook his own meals and more. it…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Transfers to Sinon House Therapeutic Unit With Independence-Development ltd">Li Jean-Luc Harris Transfers to Sinon House Therapeutic Unit With Independence-Development ltd
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Li Harris found his mental health was rapidly declining due to one of the residents in placement who was going through sever mental health episodes and was very loud and destructive at times. Li Harris was heading to contact with family one evening and he told them they had to…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Studies BETEC Level 2 first diploma in ICT at MidKent College">Li Jean-Luc Harris Studies BETEC Level 2 first diploma in ICT at MidKent College
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Studies BETEC Level 2 first diploma in ICT at MidKent College, he makes good progress and enjoys studying with like-minded people.

Li Jean-Luc Harris Starts Volunteering in Oxfam, Rochester">Li Jean-Luc Harris Starts Volunteering in Oxfam, Rochester
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Li Jean-Luc Harris wanted to keep himself busy and develop some self confidence and working skills. therefor he decided to start Volunteering at Oxfam Rochester where he sometimes completed 3 / 4 shifts a week. he was well liked and got on well with the staff. He Manged the tills,…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Independence-Development ltd Weekly Progress Report WE 28.07.2013">Li Jean-Luc Harris Independence-Development ltd Weekly Progress Report WE 28.07.2013
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Table Of Contents1 BE HEALTHY/STAY SAFE1.1 Targets from last week and comments:2 ENJOY AND ACHIEVE2.1 Targets from last week and comments:3 MAKING A POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION3.1 Targets from last week and comments:4 ACHIEVE ECONOMIC WELL BEING4.1 Targets from last week and comments:5 PSYCHOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT AND WELL-BEING5.1 Targets from last week and…
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Placement At IDL Ends
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Li’s Placement At IDL comes to an end, Li Jean-Luc Harris finally gets his wish to move back down to margate, But was this in Li’s best interest only time will tell welcome to the next chapter of Li Jean-Luc Harris’s Life where he will explore his time in his…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Moves to Liberty Group Ltd Day: 1
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Li picked up at 1 am and was helped by staff and housemates to toad van. Was taken to starlings and introduced to staff member Jolene. Li and staff then unpacked and put all bits into his bedroom Li was taken through house rules and signed agreement and then had…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Liberty Group Ltd Day 2
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Li was up and in the shower this morning at 08:40. Li then was out of the shower and dressed by 09.00, Li then came downstairs and greeted staff before leaving the house at 09:05 to go to meet his business partner to discuss some business plans and have a…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Liberty Group Ltd Day 3
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Li was up and about at 10:20, he left the house at 10:25 to meet with friends. Key working was not completed this morning as Li had gone out. Li returned home at 16:30 and sat in the lounge with staff and told staff he went to visit his dad…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Liberty Group Ltd Day 4
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Li was called at 10:05 and responded. LH up and in the shower at 10:20. LH out of shower to his room getting ready to go out to Northdown surgery to pick a new patient form with staff. Staff phoned Northdown surgery to get LH registered but there was no…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Liberty Group Ltd Day 5
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This morning Li had a lay in, he got up at around 11 :00am and had a shower before coming downstairs at 11 :30am once dressed. He sat in the lounge reading a newspaper for a while before going up to his room to relax. At 13:30pm Li came back…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Liberty Group Ltd Day 6
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Li got up at 10:30am and went up for a shower. At 11 :40am he told staff that he would be going out with his friends and will be home later. Staff explained to him that when he returns he will need to sit with staff and fill out his…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Liberty Group Ltd Day 7
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this morning Li got up at 08:S0am and had a shower. At 09:20am Li came into the office and staff supported him to fill out his GP registration form. Staff then offered him support to do a menu plan and shopping list, Li declined the support telling staff that he…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Liberty Group Ltd Day 8
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Li came downstairs dressed at 11 :00am this morning although he said he had been awake for an hour. Staff discussed his tasks for the day, although Li seemed to lack motivation to get the tasks done. He told staff that he got in at 2:30am as he was at…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Finishes MidKent College With a Merit
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Li Jean-Luc Harris finishes his studies at MidKent College with a BETEC Level 2 first diploma in ICT Grade Merit

Li Jean-Luc Harris Liberty Group Ltd Day 9
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Li returned home last night in the early hours and went straight to bed. Li was then up and out of his room at 11.25 and went to the toilet before returning back to his bedroom where Li has spent the majority of the morning and afternoon. Li then got…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris is Homeless
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I became homeless due to running out of places to sofa surf and my mum kicking me out due to increasing concerns around my alcohol and drug usage. you can read the whole story and find out more about this at

Li Jean-Luc Harris Liberty Group Ltd Day 10
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Li had returned in the night last night. He came downstairs dressed and ready for his day at 1125. Staff introduced themselves as we had not met before’ Li was very polite and stood chatting to staff for a short time. He said he was going out shortly and would…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Liberty Group Ltd Day 11
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Li was up and in the shower at 0945. He then comes downstairs and chats to staff. He said he had a nice time at his sisters but her flat was dirty and smelly, its smelt of cat wee as her cat goes everywhere but in the litter tray, I…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Moved into Emergency Housing
li jean luc harris glenwood hotel emergency housing

it felt like forever, and for sure it was not a short time that i spent camping the winter nights in the woods. but my perseverance managed to help. it was finally admitted that the council had a responsibility to home me and placed me in the Glenwood Hotel for…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris is Finally Housed At Invicta House, Millmead, Margate
invicta house thanet

The House Of Nightmares, but it was better then both Glenwood hotel and the woods. Li Harris spends the next 3 years living here and struggling. he almost became homeless for a second time after getting in some rent arrears while working. but was thankfully rescued by previous Placement Independence…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris And Joshua Evens Starts Dating
Li Jean Luc Harris and Joshua Evans 2017

Li Jean-Luc Harris Starts Dating Josh Evans

Got a Morgage with Joshua Evans and Moved to Rochester
Moved to Rochester

September 2019, Li Jean-Luc Harris And Joshua Evans Got their first mortgage together and moved to Rochester, Medway into a 1 Bed New Build Apartment. they have been living here ever since. Although the property is far away from friends and family, they hope this was the right move. despite …
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Ends His Personal Blog to found Looked After Child
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after 4 years blogging Li Jean-Luc Harris funds looked after child to make his website more targeted towards care leavers, this not only helps with his appearance online but allows him to open up the platform to more people so that he can build a collection of care stories from…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Gets Engaged To Joshua Evans
Li Jean Luc Harris And Joshua Evans 25th September 2022

After 5 years being with Josh, Li Jean-Luc Harris and Josh Evans become engaged on their 5th year anniversary of being together.

Li Jean-Luc Harris proposes a rebrand of Looked After Child
Looked After Child Full Logo Primary With Background

After a successful first year, Li Jean-Luc Harris builds a new brand for Looked After child including  new logos, and strict brand guidelines as well as becoming compliant in GDPR UK Laws.  New features released  including upcoming events, and proposal to update Li Jean-Luc Harris’s timeline into a better layout…
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Traveled Abroad to Japan
japan trip li harris 2023

Li Jean-Luc Harris Takes his first trip outside of the UK and went with his partner Josh Evans to Japan from the 1st and 15th of June 2023 with some friends of his. Li Harris explains that this first trip was something that was a real Eye Opener and allowed…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Is A Charity Ambassador At The Rees Foundation
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I’m Proud to announce I’m now a charity ambassador at the Rees Foundation. Rees Foundation is a Charity that is specialized at providing support services and advice to Care Experienced Adults who have been left to “Survive” By our local authorities after reaching the ages of 18 through to 25…
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Li Jean-Luc Harris Travels to the Netherlands
Trip to the Netherlands

in October 2023 Li jean-Luc Harris and Joshua Evans Travels to the Netherlands for a week’s holiday during my time on holiday we visted a few places like Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht and Rijssen. we really enjoyed our holiday and it was a fun trip getting to meet friends,…
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KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 21/05/2012
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21/05/2012 19:35 Inpatient – Nursing Title:Late shift Li has been observed to be euthymic in mood throughout the afternoon and evening. He had his CPA meeting in the afternoon and handled it well. Following this he declined a 1:1, but said that he was happy with the outcome and had…
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