Looked After Children in life
Lets change the way Children Services operate, by offering a new approach to the care we provide to young people in the care system.
What is Looked After Child Limited?
From the UK. this website shares Life Story Work, Blog Posts About Looked after children (Children in care), mental health, addiction and homelessness to name a few things. Our Main Author is Li Jean-Luc Harris who founded the site as a brand. which spun of from his original blog where he used to write and publish his life stories. Although he wanted to build a central place that could offer advice for both Care Workers, but also Children In Care, and care leavers. As well as being able to share stories and create courses for looked after children.
But we are more then just that. Check out our Better Care Goal
Chronology / Life Story Work With Looked After Child
We Believe that every Story is Important, it not only reinforces the story that the Looked After Child has had. to show them how far they have come. but it also gives professionals so much information on how they can improve their work. you see; everyone works differently. one method dose not work for everyone so its important that we adapt and work with different methods. essentially growing a toolkit that can work for everyone
Looked After Child Blog Posts
From Homeless to Homeowner: A Story of Hope and recovory from addiction
This story was recently featured in the Isle of Thanet News. It's a personal account of my journey from homeless and addiction to finding stability, work, and ultimately, becoming a homeowner. I hope it inspires others to never give up hope. My experience of...
A New Modern Website
We're delighted to announce the relaunch of the Looked After Child website! This isn't just a fresh coat of paint; it's a complete overhaul designed to provide an even better experience for our community. We've listened to your feedback, analyzed user behavior, and...
do i really want to care for people? and how can i help the industry.
In an industry i love to pieces. And one that has had massive impact on myself I still wondered.... could i continue working in social care, could i continue looking after young people whom have had experience similar to mine. the answer will always be yes. But not...
How I become homeless aged 18 and addicted to drugs.
We had all been drinking and smoking Spice; it was Halloween. I was with two friends walking through Dane Park in Margate. One friend had an opened bottle of beer where it was a no drink zone. a task force van zoomed up to us with its sirens on when we briefly stopped to rest. I was already half cut, and we were no less than 15 minutes away from the party when we all got searched. I had two unopened bottles of whisky + around £100 of legal highs
2 Years Together – A Tribute to the Amazing Josh
its that time of year again! so today me and josh are celebrating two years of being together as boyfriends. this year has had a few challenges as we learn each other boundaries but I can't thank him enough for being by my side. This year we have made many leaps,...
My Life Stories 001| Growing Up Gay
But one thing I regret and still am disgusted about… during my years “Discovering myself” is the few girlfriends I had during this stage. Some of which I was very decisive and not accurate. I never wanted to hurt anyone but feel as if I did. Between ages 13 – 15 I made 3 attempts to come out to my family. But each one I backed out of until February The 9th 2012 7:30 PM when I finally ended the secrecy. Attempts to come out
Knowledge Base
We’ve been building a guide for professionals and care leavers. This guide is to help educate and teach people who are in care or are going into care. Parents of children in care, and care workers.
unauthorised Leave
An unauthorised absence is any instance when a child is not where she/he should be. This includes the foster home, school, an authorised activity venue, etc. The police do not need to be informed of an unauthorised absence unless their wearabouts / reason is unknown or their is an risk of harm at the known location.
Working with Your Social Worker Effectively: A Guide for Children in Care
Working With Your Social Worker Header Being in care can be a confusing time. You might have a lot of questions and worries about what's happening. One of the most important people in your life right now is your social worker. They're there to help you, but sometimes...
Pupil Premium: Your Questions Answered
What is Pupil Premium? Pupil Premium is a government funding initiative designed to assist schools in supporting looked after children and those who have left care. This funding is allocated to schools based on the number of students they have who are eligible for the...
Better Care Goal
Check out our approach to a better Care System (Focused towards Residential Settings)
Lets End Negative Statistics For Care Leavers
Children in care have had a rough enough start to life already with odds that are set against them, lets make sure they have the best chance at life! and put an end to negative statistics.