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Looked After Child Limited

Children are not things to be molded but are people to be unfolded.

Looked After Children deserve a better outcome in life

Lets change the way Children Services operate, by offering a new approach to the care we provide to young people in the care system.

What is Looked After Child Limited

From the UK. this website shares Life Story Work, Blog Posts About Mental Health and Life Events Our Main Author is Li Jean-Luc Harris who founded the site as a brand. which spun of from his original blog where he used to write and publish his life stories. Although he wanted to build a central place that could offer advice for both Care Workers, but also Children In Care, and care leavers. As well as being able to share stories and create courses for looked after children.

But we are more then just that. Check out our Better Care Goal

Chronology / Life Story Work With Looked After Child

We Believe that every Story is Important, it not only reinforces the story that the Looked After Child has had. to show them how far they have come. but it also gives professionals so much information on how they can improve their work. you see; everyone works differently. one method dose not work for everyone so its important that we adapt and work with different methods. essentially growing a toolkit that can work for everyone

Looked After Child Life Stories

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Getting back into writing

By |October 30, 2018|Life Story, story|

It’s been far too long since I released a post, as explained, though I was too far focused on this idea, which is now live. You can view and contribute to BitBuddie right now. There are plenty of chances to earn from our platform but its only whist money lasts. (BitBuddie is now a dead and buried project) My previous stint of life stories kinda exhausted me, although the feedback was unlike no others. Even to this date the post still gets views and hits.... it’s just emotionally exhausting knowing that I have posted important parts of your life and [...]

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a new job, to jobless, to employed to director

By |February 23, 2021|Employment Story, Life Story, story|

its been ages since i posted here, sorry about that my personal / work life has been all up and over the place. i think i've only just came to conclusion with what is going on myself. I left my job at Independence-Development-ltd back in december to take on a new it job for a best friend of mine, and it was going very well. but i decided until work picks up i'm going to do some part time work (head back to care) or as i'm doing right now is starting a company again. found my first paying monthly [...]

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5 years ago today addmitied mental health ward

By |May 1, 2017|Life Story, Mental Health Stories, Sectioned Under The Mental Health Act Story, story|

It was 2012; a lot happened this year. My depression and stress were at its greatest, and I had come out as gay months prior I was close to giving in. The anxiety and depression got so bad I had to find a new coping strategy. My psychiatrist called a patient meeting with me and my careers. I was told my behaviour was becoming even more of a risk to myself; and others and that I had 5 minutes to decide if I was going to be a formal or non-formal patient. I Chose non-formal at first but admission up [...]

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Being A Victim At School – My Life Stories

By |March 1, 2019|Bullying Story, Gay Story, Life Story, Mental Health Stories, Real Stories, School Story, story|

an overview of Being A Victim At School At school, I was bullied from primary on to secondary school. In this blog, I wanted to overview some of the stories I have to share regarding this. And some of the traumatic and distressing times I suffered in school as well as how I finally got this to end. But first, let's give you an overview of why I was always targeted for bullying and abuse. The Overview There are many reasons why people were bullied at school. Mine is typical in many cases. I was bullied because I could not [...]

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I’ve just received my training course for Merchandising At OCS Retail Solutions

By |January 25, 2017|Employment Story, Life Story, story|

So i used to work at OCS As A Stock taker it was when i just turned 18 and it was one of my first jobs. now i'm looking to take another go with the company but this time with a different role. I've been offered my training which i'm in the process of doing and then i will start getting offered work.... its only a zero contract hour job but it will help my current Financial difficulties and who knows? maybe i'll find a lifetime career with them this time :)  I'm still keeping my eyes out for Employment opportunities that are full time

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My Life Stories 001| Growing Up Gay

By |August 13, 2018|Foster Care Story, Gay Story, Life Story, Real Stories, story|

But one thing I regret and still am disgusted about… during my years “Discovering myself” is the few girlfriends I had during this stage. Some of which I was very decisive and not accurate. I never wanted to hurt anyone but feel as if I did. Between ages 13 – 15 I made 3 attempts to come out to my family. But each one I backed out of until February The 9th 2012 7:30 PM when I finally ended the secrecy. Attempts to come out

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My Second Foster Care Placement With Carol And John

By |May 4, 2019|Foster Care Story, Life Story, Mental Health Stories, Real Stories, School Story, Social Services Story, story|

Li Jean-Luc Harris shares his story about Fostering And Foster Care, during one of the most important times of my life. I Was A Complicated Child, Mental Health In Foster Care Placements

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Broke my collarbone Aged 10 | Life Stories 005

By |September 8, 2018|Foster Care Story, Injury Story, Life Story, Real Stories, School Story, Social Services Story, story|

I Broke my collarbone Aged 10 and funny enough the only time to date that I’ve broken/fractured a bone. I was a cocky got the night before I was trampolining and was doing front flips etc with no issues at all The day after I was going to school, and I said to my Foster Carer Sally, I had never broken a bone. But whilst in school, I was sprinting and my arm clicked. the next thing I know is I had massive sharp pain going through my body. And I couldn’t walk or breathe because of the pain and [...]

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Addicted to drugs and then Homeless and finally Now I’m A Homeowner

By |November 30, 2019|Addiction Story, Drug Addiction Story, Homeless Story, Homeowner Story, Life Story, Real Stories, story|

This story has been featured in the isle of thanet news From homelessness and addiction to work and becoming a home owner – “do not give up on hope” This is a short overview of my journey through the progress of being Homeless To Homeowner. I hope you guys enjoy the story. its been fun to write and go back through the experience. I remember the day I became homeless I had a bit of a checklist for the day it went something like: Tent Location Food I was lucky to have some money to hand. so I headed to [...]

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Happy Birthday, I’m 22

By |November 30, 2018|Celebration Story, Life Story, story|

Its that time of year again I've Leveled Up IRL  the clocks have turned and another year has passed by. being 22 is no different from 21 apart from the fact no one really cares about your birthdays between 21 -29 and by the time your 30 your not excited anymore.   and how did my day go? I was with Josh I most likely will be drinking..... and spending time with the family It's also payday :D But the truth is...... I prewrote this post and scheduled it on the 19/11/2018 at 14:42 ;) peace.

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Working as a StockTaker For Retail & Asset Solutions RAS (Formerly Known As OCS) | Life Stories 006

By |November 18, 2018|Employment Story, Life Story, story|

So whats a shift like with Retail Asset Solutions? It depends. management is where it's a letdown and the inconsistency of shifts. for example one day I could start a shift at 4 am finish at 12 pm and be on another shift that same day for 8 pm. and this was a common occurrence. breaks were under the discretion of the team leader and shifts could go over 12 hours on a frequent base. Whats Progression Like  For Retail Asset Solutions? Very small chance of progression. I had seen counters of over 15 years experience never being given an opportunity as they were too good of a counter... also if you don't drive or can't attend shifts on your own forget about it... is Ocs A Job Or a career (Find out the difference Click Jobs Vs Career) if you want to make a career out of OCS don't be a good counter get a drivers licence and friendly with the managers but for most people who get stuck as a stocktaker sadly stay there.

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Somebody I used to know. – A Story About Losing a Friend During My Mental Health Struggles.

By |August 31, 2019|Friends Story, Life Story, Losing friends Story, Mental Health Stories, Real Stories, Sectioned Under The Mental Health Act Story, story|

for the sake of this story and for privacy the person in this story I will refer to as Jake. A Story About Losing a Friend During My Mental Health Struggles. - Meeting Jake Back in the day, I had a blackberry phone with BBM. We all used to add random people from broadcasts and I happened to add Jake without even knowing what sort of friendship would be formed from this. I remember posting as my status one day the following: "I Think This is it, Goodbye Everyone!" No one picked up on it. No one but Jake replied [...]

Knowledge Base

We’ve been building a guide for Professionals and care leavers this guide is to help educate and teach people who are in care or are going into care. parents of children in care, and care workers

Better Care Goal

Check out our approach to a better Care System (Focused towards Residential Settings)

Lets End Negative Statistics For Care Leavers

Children in care have had a rough enough start to life already with odds that are set against them, lets make sure they have the best chance at life! and put an end to negative statistics.

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