To My Father – The Poem

By |2024-06-06T11:06:18+01:00June 6, 2024|Poem|

My father had told me its time to go, he dropped us at school and said we could never go back. I didn’t realise that when you had a child. You could just give up like that. But now you can’t backtrack. You was never in my life, but when you was my life ended up broken the day you gave up, I felt so many emotions. You truly left me heartbroken. My mother manged many years struggling to fight of social services, but you could not last a year. The fact you chose your partner over us that was insincere. I remember crying with my mum, after school. Repeating that I’m sorry for everything I’ve done. But its too late now placement finding has [...]

Li Jean-Luc Harris End Of Year Post 2023

By |2023-11-09T12:08:27+00:00November 9, 2023|Blog|

i wanted to let everyone know that after a very hectic, and eye opening year I'm officially walking away from Looked After Child Limited for the year. i wanted to use this message to thank everyone who has interacted with the website. we've hit a massive amount of milestones this year and I'm so hyped for next year! Personally I've achieved a lot and most of it is thanks to the work i do at Looked After Child. I wanted to list some milestones both for myself and the company and make this a yearly reflective gratitude post   My Milestones: Traveled Abroad twice Beat my fear of flying (2 weeks in japan and one week in the Netherlands) I'm officially cannabis free for 1 [...]

Press Release 30/08/2023

By |2023-08-30T12:56:20+01:00August 30, 2023|Administration|

Looked After Child Limited, a leading online resource for children in care and their caregivers, is thrilled to announce the launch of several new website features designed to enhance user engagement and accessibility. In our ongoing commitment to making our content as accessible as possible, we are excited to introduce audio versions of selected posts. This innovative feature transforms written content into an audio format, allowing users to listen to articles rather than read them. This not only caters to those with visual impairments but also provides an alternative way for all users to consume our content. An example of this feature can be found at In addition, we are delighted to announce that these text-to-speech audio versions will soon be available on popular [...]

Breaking Down Stigmas: Understanding the Realities of Looked After Children

By |2023-08-28T14:30:57+01:00August 28, 2023|Blog, Caring Blog, Health And Social care|

Introduction: What are Looked After Children? Looked After Children, also known as children in care, are individuals who are placed under the care and supervision of the local authority. This can occur for a variety of reasons, including neglect, abuse, or the inability of parents or guardians to provide adequate care. Looked After Children may be placed in a range of care arrangements, including foster care, residential care, or adoption. There are different types of care arrangements for Looked After Children. Foster care involves placing a child with a foster family who provides a safe and nurturing environment. Residential care involves placing a child in a residential home with trained staff who provide round-the-clock care. Adoption involves permanently placing a child with an adoptive family, [...]

I Went Back To Therapy With IESO Review and Actual Session logs

By |2023-08-07T16:18:34+01:00July 25, 2023|Adhd Blog, Life Story, Mental Health Blogs, Mental Health Stories, Real Stories, Self Harm Story, story, Therapy Story|

Disclosure - This is not a paid for review and was done on my own doing with no financial gain I have to admit it, even after years of having my mental health under control, I almost broke again. I; Li Harris. Still suffer with mental health. and that is OK. this is a story about my journey with seeking help and making a path of recovery thanks to Online Therapy with IESO. How did this happen In January i was promoted to Acting House Coordinator of the 16+ Semi independence placement i had been working at for the past 1 Year 6 Months; after my previous manager fell sick and unwell. i was asked to step in. which i jumped to the position despite not [...]

I’m Grateful For Life

By |2023-07-01T12:27:11+01:00July 1, 2023|Author Facts Blog, Blog|

Revision: 1 There is lots I should be thankful for, and I need to reflect on the good more. I've tried thanking so many people personally recently. But not everyone is contactable. This is my public thank you to the people who have made massive impact too my life. Mum I want to say thanks to my mum for doing her best to support all her children and trying to break out the cycle of trauma. We never made it easy. And your health condition and trauma you had was immense. But look at you now, and how strong you've become Working Happy and strong relationship. You prove even more then me that anything is possible. And that dispite your past. You can still achieve [...]

Looked after child has incorporated

By |2023-03-04T12:17:03+00:00March 4, 2023|Administration|

Looked After Child is officially trading as Looked After Child Limited. And is a limited by shares. It is formed of one director Li Jean-Luc Harris Looked After Child Limited, will make income via offering courses to looked after Children and to health and social care workers in the United Kindom. There will be plans to open residential care homes in the future. We still have aims to run a charity but at this present moment it is not possible. But looked after child limited will form a big chunk of income for the charity in the future. View The Limited Company Registration Certificate Here

A Message to My Father

By |2023-01-27T19:44:12+00:00January 28, 2023|Child Development Story, Generational trauma, Life Story, Mental Health Stories, Relationship Story, Self Harm Story, Social Services Story, story|

Message i sent to my Father 27/01/2023 honestly Father - i think we should move on and part ways, the more i study my past the more i realise that deliberate or not you have caused over 75% of my Trauma, i know you had your own trauma and i can't fault you for that, But I can fault you for causing my trauma. You've had ample chances to turn your life around but instead you drag us down with you, and all of your kids now suffer the effects of mental health. You was hospitalised last year after your mental health breaking down and had a great chance of finally getting the help you needed and rebuilding your life and finally becoming that "changed [...]

Rebranding / Website Changes

By |2022-12-28T20:03:03+00:00December 28, 2022|Administration|

We are back online after a short downtime to introduce some updates to our branding /  Looked After Child now has a new logo which better reflects the brands move into promoting the lives of children in care, its also a lot more modern we have also made a few quality of life updates to better reflect our mission and statement

my first public speech about growing up in care | Looked After Children Promoting Equality Of Opportunity Conference

By |2023-01-13T13:45:30+00:00December 16, 2022|Addiction Story, Child Development Story, Foster Care Story, Generational trauma, Involved in criminal activity Story, Medication Story, Public Speaking, Real Stories, Relationship Story, Social Services Story, story|

It's always been my dream to speak in public, but also a fear. but with persistence and a lot of courage i was able to use my not so desirable upbringing to some good use. and to help other professionals looking after Children in care. this is a story about my recent Speech and how Li Jean-Luc Harris has overcome his fear of public speaking after attending Looked After Children Promoting Equality Of Opportunity Conference @ Open Forum events Manchester

i am a product of generational trauma

By |2023-01-13T13:45:30+00:00July 2, 2022|Adolescence development Story, Child Development Story, Generational trauma, Life Story, Mental Health Stories, Real Stories, story|

but I was determined to break the cycle of generational trauma As soon as I was placed into my second foster care placement. I had to readjust to life as everything  I had thought to be in a "normal" family was challenged. my second foster carers did an amazing job of showing me how a family should function and that constant chaotic situations and violence was not normal.

From Looked After Child to the Founder of Winstar Technologies

By |2023-07-13T13:09:08+01:00May 31, 2022|Adhd Story, Blog, Foster Care Story, Real Stories, story|

I've suffered with ADHD since a child, was medicated for a while but I decided to get myself removed from them, but recently I was able to get re-diagnosed and prescribed again under my own decision (and currently working on an autism diagnosis) which has allowed me to focus again and work on my new company, Winstar Technologies.

Why I Work In Health And Social Care

By |2022-12-28T20:08:57+00:00May 14, 2022|Blog, Caring Blog, Mental Health Blogs|

Why is caring for Young People With Mental Health Is Important? Like with everyone. We all need a brilliant start to life. We all need to be nurtured and loved. And given the development and life skills, we all need to excel in life. Being on the frontline and suffering with Mental Health Myself for a good part of 10 years of my early childhood. i know first hand the drastic and upsetting truth of how neglected mental health can cause pain and misery. During our most important stages in life. Why I think I'm an asset in the Health And Social Care Industry i have a unique aspect to relate with people. Knowing first hand how my experiences affected me. From both foster care [...]

Going into Foster Care Aged 11

By |2023-01-19T19:05:43+00:00May 13, 2022|Foster Care Story, Life Story, Real Stories, Social Services Story, story|

The events before I was going into care It was January 2008, not long after Christmas. At the time, I was currently living with my Father. My Brother DH,AA and I were not the greatest of behaved kids if we are honest. We both had very complex needs and needed some help with our behavioural/emotional issues. Anyway, we had pushed our father way too far one weekend, and caused some issues with my dad and his current partner (at the time) Carol, and they decided to give up caring for us. Not knowing what to do, my dad sent DH and me to school on Monday morning and told us we were not returning home, which was a heart breaking moment for any child to [...]

Better Care Goal

By |2022-12-28T20:11:30+00:00May 13, 2022|Administration|

This Post Will Outline How we Plan to Build a better care foundation. it will include statements on why I'm setting up the foundation and mission statements. Last Update: JAN 2022Status: Jan 16th 2022 - 1st Edition.Review: 22 Why Is The Foundation needed? What about care is wrong? There are many reasons I set up the foundation. I've got over 10 years experiences as a foster child and Care leaver. and now I'm dedicating my life to improve the lives of as many children and young adults as I can. First, by making the system they are forced into. A smother and more transparent experience. Where can the care industry improve for young adults and children? I Propose that the phrases Service Users / Young [...]

Sectioned under the mental health act aged 15. At Kent and Medway adolescence hospital, (woodland House) Staplehurst Kent (KMAH)

By |2023-08-30T13:10:53+01:00February 8, 2022|Foster Care Story, Life Story, Mental Health Stories, Real Stories, Sectioned Under The Mental Health Act Story, Self Harm Story, Social Services Story, story|

I was checked into the Kent and Medway Adolescent Hospital, Woodland House, KMAH and the careers left me, the day had already gone past, i was scared and afraid. being only 15 and already suffering with a lot of past truama i could only think bad things where going to happen

How I become homeless aged 18 and addicted to drugs.

By |2023-09-03T11:00:13+01:00February 4, 2022|Addiction Story, Drug Addiction Story, Life Story, Mental Health Stories, Real Stories, story|

We had all been drinking and smoking Spice; it was Halloween. I was with two friends walking through Dane Park in Margate. One friend had an opened bottle of beer where it was a no drink zone. a task force van zoomed up to us with its sirens on when we briefly stopped to rest. I was already half cut, and we were no less than 15 minutes away from the party when we all got searched. I had two unopened bottles of whisky + around £100 of legal highs

The Breakdown Of My Second Foster Care Placement

By |2023-02-07T18:55:48+00:00November 2, 2021|Foster Care Story, Life Story, Mental Health Stories, Real Stories, Social Services Story, story|

Introduction to The Breakdown Of My Second Foster Care Placement Hi, to those of you who've not ready the first and second post, these will explain how I got to this stage. And how the second placement was so important to me. There is also a pre-foster care post. Going into Foster Care Aged 9 | My Life Stories 007 My First Foster Placement | My Life Stories My Second Foster Care Placement With Carol And John So this is quite an exciting post but one that's not been updated on since 2019. The Breakdown Of My Second Foster Care Placement when I posted the last post about Carol And John. and it was very vague. And did not contain that much information.So now I'm [...]

do i really want to care for people? and how can i help the industry.

By |2023-02-07T18:55:50+00:00October 21, 2021|Blog, Caring Blog|

In an industry i love to pieces. And one that has had massive impact on myself I still wondered.... could i continue working in social care, could i continue looking after young people whom have had experience similar to mine. the answer will always be yes. But not because i love the system. but because i care..... the issues with health and social care. Health and social care in the UK is in shambles. at least for 16+ residential care / support. I've dealt with many local authorities from Kent and Medway. and London boroughs and there is one big issue i keep discovering and that is that money sadly will always be placed before peoples. and literally, too. if there is money woes, then [...]

My Life With ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) A brief timeline

By |2023-02-07T18:55:53+00:00October 21, 2021|Adhd Blog, Adhd Story, Blog, Life Story, Real Stories, story|

Disclaimer: This Blog Refers to links that are affiliated. Any affiliated links will contain *** before the link. My ADHD Diagnosis They diagnosed me with ADHD Aged 5 after being referred to a psychiatrist by my school for an assessment. This was because I was always hyperactive and disruptive in classes. And I really struggled to focus on anything other than topics i was interested in. After seeing a psychiatrist for about a few weeks, they diagnosed me with ADHD and offered medication which where accepted. Did ADHD Medication Help? In short, yes my ADHD medication helped. But it also had a lot of cons, because the ADHD Tablets prescribed to me where often made from Methylphenidate. i soon learnt that i struggled to sleep. This [...]

3 years working with independence-development Ltd. (IDL)

By |2023-07-13T13:09:03+01:00April 2, 2021|Employment Story, Life Story, story|

I was desperate for a new job, and I had past ties with Independence-Development Ltd. (IDL) I first started working for Independence-Development Ltd (IDL) back in August 2017 when I was still stock-taking for OCS I had been desperately working every shift I could get but I still could not make Ends meet no matter how hard I tried. I remember calling up the director (we had past ties) and literally begging him for a job on the way back from one of my OCS shifts. “I would do anything, as long as I have a stable income. I would even scrub your toilets,” the Director being as nice as he was. Looking at the circumstances, too. He took me into an interview. I lived [...]

is this what we call a mid life crisis

By |2022-12-28T20:38:29+00:00February 26, 2021|Life Story, story|

is this what we call a mid life crisis?? haha - well as you know i'm in and out of work.  this week we officially setup the new company and signed our first contract.  which secures half my income! that was a nice. but i'm stilll looking and interviewing for community care work. but with me focusing on staying back in IT it makes me wonder what is left here for our loving and caring community. What is next for us? right now i'm unsure, i always spoke about a time where i could not no longer talk about my own issues, i've been at this wall for whole of 2020! and its creeping into 21! not only was the blog something i really wanted [...]

a new job, to jobless, to employed to director

By |2022-12-28T20:20:48+00:00February 23, 2021|Employment Story, Life Story, story|

its been ages since i posted here, sorry about that my personal / work life has been all up and over the place. i think i've only just came to conclusion with what is going on myself. I left my job at Independence-Development-ltd back in december to take on a new it job for a best friend of mine, and it was going very well. but i decided until work picks up i'm going to do some part time work (head back to care) or as i'm doing right now is starting a company again. found my first paying monthly contract and closed that which helps and secures half of my expensises so i just got to find that part time job to keep me [...]

Covid19| The 2020 Lockdown – am i mad yet?

By |2022-12-28T20:19:20+00:00September 30, 2020|Life Story, Mental Health Stories, story|

COVID19 has changed all of our lives, from being locked in. and having our freedom temporary stripped away. how has the big 2020 lockdown changed your life? - what have you learned about yourself? - and is your life quite how you thought it was before. My Life During COVID19 In This Section, I will explain what has changed in my life during the 2020 COVID19 Outbreak. from personal relationships to work and impulsive £1,000 Fish Tank Investments, £200 on herbs and spices (for cooking! xD )  :whoopsie: if your anything like me.... then your probably thinking snap!. this year has been crazy. what a wasted year. my debt has gone sky high from impulsive purchases from new fish, to a new fish tank. and [...]

New Direction. New Career. But why? and how? – From Technology to Carer

By |2023-02-07T18:55:52+00:00July 10, 2020|Employment Story, Life Story, Real Stories, story|

New Direction. New Career.  after dedicating a good 10 Years into computing and technology. last year November of 2019 I started to realize I had lost my love for what once was a passion. don't get me wrong I still love technology but not on the level I did... the company I work for needed some extra help over Christmas. so I took an opportunity to do some extra Bank - Waking Night shifts as a therapeutic  Practitioner. with hardly any training/knowledge but plenty of personal experience, I spent the first few nights studying my service users care plans. (if I'm gonna do this job I better get it right.) How?  I loved every moment of the work I did. and continued until January which [...]

Spice / Legal High Addiction – The Story

By |2023-08-19T09:21:18+01:00February 1, 2020|Addiction Story, Drug Addiction Story, Life Story, Mental Health Stories, Real Stories, story|

PART ONE - Prior to the addiction To Spice / Legal Highs Not long after moving out of my care placement in Rochester, I moved to Liberty Group Care Homes. Back in my hometown, of margate. I met some new friends. Glen through my father. As they were currently living together in shared accommodation. Unfortunately, things did not work out and me and my father fell out because of a silly argument that was taken the wrong way. (Maybe one day I will discuss this story more) and we started sofa surfing. I was consuming a lot of cannabis already and started drinking. I hardly stayed in the placement I had at Liberty Group Care Homes. It was now referred to me as the "Hotel". [...]

Addicted to drugs and then Homeless and finally Now I’m A Homeowner

By |2023-01-13T13:45:32+00:00November 30, 2019|Addiction Story, Drug Addiction Story, Homeless Story, Homeowner Story, Life Story, Real Stories, story|

This story has been featured in the isle of thanet news From homelessness and addiction to work and becoming a home owner – “do not give up on hope” This is a short overview of my journey through the progress of being Homeless To Homeowner. I hope you guys enjoy the story. its been fun to write and go back through the experience. I remember the day I became homeless I had a bit of a checklist for the day it went something like: Tent Location Food I was lucky to have some money to hand. so I headed to our local shopping centre and located a camping shop where I brought a tent and a rucksack. and some basic fire-starting materials. whist I was [...]

The incident at school that led to my hospitalization.

By |2023-02-07T18:55:42+00:00October 1, 2019|Foster Care Story, Life Story, Mental Health Stories, Real Stories, School Story, Self Harm Story, Social Services Story, story|

Disclosure, this post contains content relating to Self Harm / Mental Health that some people may find distressing, and relates to a true story and incident that happened to me at school while in the Ellington and Hearson school James is a fictional name for Data Protection. The lead up to the incident at school. I was 15, and after six years of hiding the first instance of self-harm (The Thing), my mental health was at its worst. Every day there was a conflict of the sort, and I was struggling in school. Both physically and mentally. Some people thought that my coming out as gay led me to go crazy and do what I did. This was incorrect. The bullying was very minimal compared [...]

2 Years Together – A Tribute to the Amazing Josh

By |2023-01-13T13:45:33+00:00September 27, 2019|Life Story, Real Stories, Relationship Story, story|

its that time of year again! so today me and josh are celebrating two years of being together as boyfriends. this year has had a few challenges as we learn each other boundaries but I can't thank him enough for being by my side. This year we have made many leaps, firstly for you to move in with me. secondly to get a joint mortgage together. in the around 5 months we've been living together it has not been easy, we've had to learn each other's boundaries and adapt. we've bickered a lot. but we are still going strong. on Monday we pick up the keys to our new apartment in Rochester... and we will start a new chapter together. us getting a mortgage at [...]

Somebody I used to know. – A Story About Losing a Friend During My Mental Health Struggles.

By |2023-02-07T18:55:41+00:00August 31, 2019|Friends Story, Life Story, Losing friends Story, Mental Health Stories, Real Stories, Sectioned Under The Mental Health Act Story, story|

for the sake of this story and for privacy the person in this story I will refer to as Jake. A Story About Losing a Friend During My Mental Health Struggles. - Meeting Jake Back in the day, I had a blackberry phone with BBM. We all used to add random people from broadcasts and I happened to add Jake without even knowing what sort of friendship would be formed from this. I remember posting as my status one day the following: "I Think This is it, Goodbye Everyone!" No one picked up on it. No one but Jake replied to that. Jake Jumped into my private messages and said something along the lines of: "Are you Planning to Commit Suicide, Please Don't!" I stopped [...]

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