Inpatient –
Title:Night shift
Li stated at the start of the shift that he was tired and wanted to go to bed. He went up to his room
at 21:15 after getting his clean clothes from the laundry room and clean sheets for his bed, which
he made on his own. He was observed to be asleep at 21:40 and to sleep throughout the night.
—————————–Confirmed By CMcKenzie@, 13/05/2012
Inpatient –
Title:Late shift
Li has been nursed within eyesight of staff and has presented as euthymic in mood. He has spent
the afternoon and evening playing on the xbox, sleeping on the sofa or watching the television.
He declines when staff have suggested that he participates in activities.
—————————–Confirmed By LKing1@s, 12/05/2012
Inpatient –
Title:Early Shift
Li was awake at approximately 08:30. He attended to his personal hygiene, complied with his
care plan in regards to stripping his bed, and put his clothes in the washing machine. He generally
appeared to be euthymic in mood, and reported that he was ‘okay’. He spent his time mainly
playing on the xbox and watching a film. He ate adequately. Staff observed that he has been
superficially scratching his arm. In addition, he was observed constantly crossing his legs at one
point, which arouse suspicion that this may be related to his self harm.
Staff continued with work relating to therapeutic assessment. This involved discussing positives
and negatives of self harm, and creating exits in the cycle diagram. He appeared to have found
discussing his self harm difficult, but was open and receptive to the work. He was praised for the
work that he has done.
—————————–Confirmed By [email protected], 12/05/2012