Li Jean-Luc Harris
January 31, 2023

Last Modified

Jan 31, 2023 @ 6:21 pm

Li Jean-Luc Harris Kent County Council (LAC) Looked After Child Review, March 2009

by | Jan 31, 2023


Li did not want separate time with the IRO but participated throughout.


  1. Social Worker has spent time getting to know Li.
  2. There has been no liaison from Nicky but Carol thompson has been following up Li’s health needs.
  3.  PEP was held on 02/03/09. Dyslexia screening has not taken place
  4.  Li seeks out LAC Co-ordinator at Hereson if he has problems.
  5. Social worker has liaised with Sisters  social worker.
  6. Social Worker observed a family contact in September but needs to observe more.
  7. Li Harris has a passport.
  8. Li has transferred placement.


Li told us that he had moved to Carol’s in the October half term. As soon as he met her he said ‘can I come now?’ He has been much happier here than in the previous placement. He also admitted to purposefully being difficult at his respite carers when he was in his previous carers. Carol is away from 1st April for two weeks so some thought needs to be given about this placement. Li does sometimes travel independently but has got lost on one occasion and rang his carers from Sturry. He did the right thing however and contacted them. They came to collect him. The IRO’s observations today were that Li was more relaxed and confident. He was able to express his concerns and views.


He likes playing on his games console. He joined the scouts in January but had a few problems with the other children. He is going to try again in a different group. He is still struggling to ride a bike but this will be encouraged once the weather improves. He has been having keyboard lessons.


Li is enjoying his secondary school, Hereson, Carol transports him there and will probably need to continue for a time next term as the school will be on a new site. He does have a Freedom Pass which he has used occasionally. He has a learning mentor,  whom he is in touch with three times a day. The PEP was completed on 02/03/09 and everyone is pleased with his progress. His attendance is 99.5%. He is making academic progress overall, particularly in Maths where he has gone up 2 sub-levels. His literacy is the weakest area and the dyslexia screening remains outstanding. The PEA will be used to fund one to one help with English. The CAT scores were not available today but it would be helpful for the next review to have SATS Scores from year 6 and the CAT scores to measure progress. He has got a KCC computer and at the review today Carol has offered to provide Li with an Alpha Smart, that was used by another child, to use in school as he, like his older brother, struggles with handwriting. Li has made a few friends and was praised for
his sense of responsibility and reliability.


Li has complex health needs and would benefit from a health plan. The IRO has not seen a plan but it is her view that Li should be seen by a community paediatrician who could consider his various needs. He has been diagnosed with ADHD and is reviewed by Dr. Nairac at Orchard House. Li believes his medication helps to keep him focused and without it he is ‘fidgety and restless’. Li sees Dr. Saffi Ullah at the enuresis clinic and is waiting for the results of an X Ray on the bladder. He is also due to see Dr. Baron, on 10/03/09, a dermatologist at the Kent and Canterbury Hospital as he has had a recurrent REDACTED by Author “The Thing”. This needs further investigation as the offensive smell is leading to him being stigmatised at school. His clumsiness and lack of coordination as evidenced in his inability to ride a bike and his poor handwriting are suggestive of dyspraxia. There has also been the possibility of dyslexia raised by a previous carer. Aside from this he is healthy and eats and sleeps well. The IRO’s view is that a LAC health assessment that draws up a clear health plan is a priority for Li. It should be undertaken by a community paediatrician. He is also due to be reviewed shortly by Dr Nairac as he last saw him on 06/10/08. The last optician’s appointment was April 2008. Li does wear glasses so a review is needed. He attended the dentist on 12/11 /08 and there were no concerns.


Li seems happy in his placement and was open today about his feelings with regard to contact. He has talked with Carol about events in the past, which is most encouraging. No therapeutic intervention is indicated at the moment.


Li sees his mother twice a month. He spoke about the two hourly individual sessions at Six Bells Family Centre as being very boring; Social Worker to explore this further. Nan phones Li each week. He knows the reasons why father is refusing contact and knows this is not personal as he is not seeing any of the children. Carol mentioned the possibility of arranging for Brother to see Li and this should be encouraged. Carol will discuss this with Social Worker.

Legal Matters

Li Harris is Subject to a care order


The focus is to clarify Li’s health needs and to offer appropriate services and or medication to help with these. An urgent LAC health assessment, undertaken by a Community Paediatrician is the priority Redacted by Kent County Council Some thought also needs to be given to the status of the placement as Li already seems to feel much more settled here.

Care Plan

Li will remain in foster care.


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