13/05/2012 23:59 Inpatient - Nursing Title:Night shift Li was observed to be euthymic in mood during the evening. He went to bed at the start of the shift and was observed to be asleep at 22:30 and to sleep throughout the night. -----------------------------Confirmed By CMcKenzie@, 14/05/2012...
KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 12/05/2012
2/05/2012 23:59 Inpatient - Nursing Title:Night shift Li stated at the start of the shift that he was tired and wanted to go to bed. He went up to his room at 21:15 after getting his clean clothes from the laundry room and clean sheets for his bed, which he made on his own. He was observed to be...
KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 11/05/2012
11/05/2012 21:00 Inpatient - Nursing Title:Night shift Li remains nursed on 1:1 eye sight observation. At the start of t he shift he was on the phone to the foster mum, mum ask to speak to a member of staff, which was done. She wanted to know what the procedure for coming to visit the ward, she...
KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 10/05/2012
0/05/2012 23:00 Inpatient - Nursing Title:Night duty Li was euthymic in mood at the start of the shift, he responded to greeting appropriately. Went to bed promptly at 22:30 and slept throughout, remains on 1:1 eye sight observation, slept throughout the shift, nil eventful shift....
KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 09/05/2012
Event By: Ragnhild Banton 09/05/2012 21:00 Inpatient - Nursing Title:Night shift Li had a quiet night, he interact and engages well with peers. Join in playing games as well. He appears to be flat in mood. H e retires to bed at 2130 and was observed to be asleep but he toss around while asleep....
KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 08/05/2012
08/05/2012 21:36 Inpatient - Nursing Title:TW Shift Li appeared low having spoke with Dr G this afternoon. He was upset that he about being on 1:1 as he complains it makes him feel anxious. Li spoke on the phone to his mum for a short while and said it was nice to speak to her. Despite wanting to...
KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 07/05/2012
07/05/2012 21:00 Inpatient - Nursing Title:Night shift Li appears to be bright in mood interacting and engaging well, he requested for his PRN risperidone 0.5mg he said he is feeing anxoius and agitated. He retires to bed at 2230 and appears to have slept through the night...
KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 06/05/2012
06/05/2012 21:00 Inpatient - Nursing Title:Night shift Li has been nursed safely on 1:1 observations. He was watching a film in the evening in the games room with peers, laughing appropriately. He said a few times how much he hated being on 1:1 and he wanted to request his discharge on tuesday...
KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 05/05/2012
05/05/2012 23:59 Inpatient - Nursing Title:Night Shift Li was in the games room at the start of the shift watching a film with some of his peers, he then moved to the dining area where he chatted with peers until 23:00. Li initially said that he wasn't going to go to sleep and had been talking...
KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 04/05/2012
04/05/2012 23:59 Inpatient - Nursing Title:Night Shift Li remains on eyesight observations, which he expresses his frustrations with. However he has been pleasant on approach laughing and joking with staff at times, including how he got his middle names and how he had been knocked out when he got...
KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 03/05/2012
03/05/2012 23:59 Inpatient - Nursing Title:Night Shift Li presented as tense at the beginning of the shift saying he found it too intrusive being on eyesight observations. He said he did not understand the reasons for these observations and he is used to a high level of privacy during which he can...
KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 02/05/2012
02/05/2012 21:00 General - STaR/Support Worker Title:Night Shift LH has been nursed on 1-1 eyesight observations. He was self isolative but responded when approached in conversation. He retired to bed at 22.30hrs and once in bed found it very difficult to settle and took until 00.30hrs until he...