Life Story

Childhood Regrets: A Reflection on the Mistakes I Made Growing Up

Childhood Regrets: A Reflection on the Mistakes I Made Growing Up

Introduction Everyone makes mistakes growing up, right? It's a part of life, a part of figuring out who you are and what's right and wrong. But sometimes those mistakes leave a mark, a lingering "what if" that pops up when you least expect it. This post isn't about dwelling on the past, it's about...

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I Went Back To Therapy With IESO Review and Actual Session logs

I Went Back To Therapy With IESO Review and Actual Session logs

Disclosure - This is not a paid for review and was done on my own doing with no financial gain I have to admit it, even after years of having my mental health under control, I almost broke again. I; Li Harris. Still suffer with mental health. and that is OK. this is a story about my journey...

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i am a product of generational trauma

i am a product of generational trauma

but I was determined to break the cycle of generational trauma As soon as I was placed into my second foster care placement. I had to readjust to life as everything  I had thought to be in a “normal” family was challenged. my second foster carers did an amazing job of showing me how a family should function and that constant chaotic situations and violence was not normal.

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Sectioned under the mental health act aged 15. At Kent and Medway adolescence hospital, (woodland House) Staplehurst Kent (KMAH)

Sectioned under the mental health act aged 15. At Kent and Medway adolescence hospital, (woodland House) Staplehurst Kent (KMAH)

I was checked into the Kent and Medway Adolescent Hospital, Woodland House, KMAH and the careers left me, the day had already gone past, i was scared and afraid. being only 15 and already suffering with a lot of past truama i could only think bad things where going to happen

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How I become homeless aged 18 and addicted to drugs.

How I become homeless aged 18 and addicted to drugs.

We had all been drinking and smoking Spice; it was Halloween. I was with two friends walking through Dane Park in Margate. One friend had an opened bottle of beer where it was a no drink zone. a task force van zoomed up to us with its sirens on when we briefly stopped to rest. I was already half cut, and we were no less than 15 minutes away from the party when we all got searched. I had two unopened bottles of whisky + around £100 of legal highs

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is this what we call a mid life crisis

is this what we call a mid life crisis

is this what we call a mid life crisis?? haha - well as you know i'm in and out of work.  this week we officially setup the new company and signed our first contract.  which secures half my income! that was a nice. but i'm stilll looking and interviewing for community care work. but with me...

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