The events before I was going into care

It was January 2008, not long after Christmas. At the time, I was currently living with my Father. My Brother DH,AA and I were not the greatest of behaved kids if we are honest. We both had very complex needs and needed some help with our behavioural/emotional issues.

Anyway, we had pushed our father way too far one weekend, and caused some issues with my dad and his current partner (at the time) Carol, and they decided to give up caring for us. Not knowing what to do, my dad sent DH and me to school on Monday morning and told us we were not returning home, which was a heart breaking moment for any child to hear.

I was brought to a room where my mum was there. Furthermore, it was explained that we were waiting for my brother and social services to turn up and take us to our new “Temporary Placements”. I sat there in that room crying and hugging my mum for what felt like an eternity to me…

Going into Foster care

The next thing I remember is DH and me being driven to our new placements by our social worker, who I only now remember by the name “The Black Bat” or something along the lines…. it was a term my father had called her.

DH was taken to his foster home. First, this was a rapid introduction. And then my mum and I were off to my placement which turned out to be an Old Family Friend…. What I learned after was this was on bad terms… so I seemed to get treated differently to the other Service users there.

When we arrived, we sat down with Sally and Pete. My new foster carers and introduced them to the other children and her own, who were also living there. Then my social worker and mum left, and I was shown to my new room.

Later on, DH and I were both placed on a fall care order until the age of 18. I spent the most of my adolescence here.


Check Out My First Foster Care Placement to read what happened next in the story