We had all been drinking and smoking Spice; it was Halloween. I was with two friends walking through Dane Park in Margate. One friend had an opened bottle of beer where it was a no drink zone. a task force van zoomed up to us with its sirens on when we briefly stopped to rest. I was already half cut, and we were no less than 15 minutes away from the party when we all got searched. I had two unopened bottles of whisky + around £100 of legal highs

Li Jean-Luc Harris
The Breakdown Of My Second Foster Care Placement
Introduction to The Breakdown Of My Second Foster Care Placement Hi, to those of you who've not ready the first and second post, these will explain how I got to this stage. And how the second placement was so important to me. There is also a pre-foster care post. Going into Foster Care Aged 9 | My...
do i really want to care for people? and how can i help the industry.
In an industry i love to pieces. And one that has had massive impact on myself I still wondered.... could i continue working in social care, could i continue looking after young people whom have had experience similar to mine. the answer will always be yes. But not because i love the system. but...
My Life With ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) A brief timeline
Disclaimer: This Blog Refers to links that are affiliated. Any affiliated links will contain *** before the link. My ADHD Diagnosis They diagnosed me with ADHD Aged 5 after being referred to a psychiatrist by my school for an assessment. This was because I was always hyperactive and disruptive in...
3 years working with independence-development Ltd. (IDL)
I was desperate for a new job, and I had past ties with Independence-Development Ltd. (IDL) I first started working for Independence-Development Ltd (IDL) back in August 2017 when I was still stock-taking for OCS I had been desperately working every shift I could get but I still could not make...
is this what we call a mid life crisis
is this what we call a mid life crisis?? haha - well as you know i'm in and out of work. this week we officially setup the new company and signed our first contract. which secures half my income! that was a nice. but i'm stilll looking and interviewing for community care work. but with me...
a new job, to jobless, to employed to director
its been ages since i posted here, sorry about that my personal / work life has been all up and over the place. i think i've only just came to conclusion with what is going on myself. I left my job at Independence-Development-ltd back in december to take on a new it job for a best friend of mine,...
Covid19| The 2020 Lockdown – am i mad yet?
COVID19 has changed all of our lives, from being locked in. and having our freedom temporary stripped away. how has the big 2020 lockdown changed your life? - what have you learned about yourself? - and is your life quite how you thought it was before. My Life During COVID19 In This Section, I...
New Direction. New Career. But why? and how? – From Technology to Carer
New Direction. New Career. after dedicating a good 10 Years into computing and technology. last year November of 2019 I started to realize I had lost my love for what once was a passion. don't get me wrong I still love technology but not on the level I did... the company I work for needed some...
Spice / Legal High Addiction – The Story
Prior to the addiction To Spice / Legal Highs Not long after moving out of my care placement in Rochester, I moved to Liberty Group Care Homes. Back in my hometown, of margate. I met some new friends. Glen through my father. As they were currently living together in shared accommodation....
From Homeless to Homeowner: A Story of Hope and recovory from addiction
This story was recently featured in the Isle of Thanet News. It's a personal account of my journey from homeless and addiction to finding stability, work, and ultimately, becoming a homeowner. I hope it inspires others to never give up hope. My experience of homelessness began abruptly. I remember...
The incident at school that led to my hospitalization.
Disclosure, this post contains content relating to Self Harm / Mental Health that some people may find distressing, and relates to a true story and incident that happened to me at school while in the Ellington and Hearson school James is a fictional name for Data Protection. The lead up to the...
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