It’s always good when life has been interesting. It’s better than the same old here and there.
I’m currently looking at new opportunities to grow this blog. And my professional career, and I am unsure of how to balance it all out.
Another issue is once again. How does one deal with marketing on a blog that covers everything? I’ve been sharing my posts in the right area, but once that post has died out boom, all traffic has gone.
For An Example;
with the homeless section blue = being homeless 1/3 and being homeless 2/3 is green
Apart from that, everything else about life is going outstandingly, me and Josh are doing well. And I have a two-week break coming up starting on the 17th :O.
So here it is, a mini status update. Life has been interesting and I have to dig through ancient blog posts just to refresh my memory to keep these life stories going haha.