Li Harris remains on the child protection register, now lives with his father and continues to have enuresis. Continuing to see Dr. Nairac. Li's behaviour in school is erratic. Additional support with a teaching assistant is in place
CAMHS Child and adolescent mental health services Update, February 2006
CAMHS report; Attended review with Dr Nairac, consultant psychiatrist, reported that his moods and behaviours are improved and at school. Continue on medicationEquasmXL 20 ml and Melatonine 2 tablets at night.
Li Jean-Luc Harris Kent County Council (LAC) Looked After Child Review, March 2009
CHILDREN OR YOUNG PERSON'S PARTICIPATION IN THE REVIEW PROCESS: Li did not want separate time with the IRO but participated throughout. HAVE THE DECISIONS REACHED AT THE LAST REVIEW DATED (19/09/08) BEEN ACTED UPON? Social Worker has spent time getting to know Li. There has been no liaison from...
Network Meeting Regarding Li Jean-Luc Harris, March 2011
Meeting Carol stated that Li last saw Dr Nairac a year ago and he just prescribed medication. Social Worker advised that she has not received an update from Dr Nairac as yet. Re: Assessment. Head of Year gave an update on Li. He is on a target sheet each week. Li is not always getting the report...
Li Jean-Luc Harris Kent County Council (LAC) Looked After Child Review, February 2008
Health And Development Li Harris's general health is good but he suffers from ADHD and, for this reason, sees Dr Nairac at Orchard House. He has been prescribed melatonin for insomnia but is managing without it at present. He eats and sleeps well in the foster home. Li suffers from enuresis and a...
Sectioned under the mental health act aged 15. At Kent and Medway adolescence hospital, (woodland House) Staplehurst Kent (KMAH)
I was checked into the Kent and Medway Adolescent Hospital, Woodland House, KMAH and the careers left me, the day had already gone past, i was scared and afraid. being only 15 and already suffering with a lot of past truama i could only think bad things where going to happen
Spice / Legal High Addiction – The Story
Prior to the addiction To Spice / Legal Highs Not long after moving out of my care placement in Rochester, I moved to Liberty Group Care Homes. Back in my hometown, of margate. I met some new friends. Glen through my father. As they were currently living together in shared accommodation....
The incident at school that led to my hospitalization.
Disclosure, this post contains content relating to Self Harm / Mental Health that some people may find distressing, and relates to a true story and incident that happened to me at school while in the Ellington and Hearson school James is a fictional name for Data Protection. The lead up to the...
7 Years ago today, i was sectioned under the mental health act. aged 15. – My Life Stories.
Every year on may 1st I take the time to remember the trauma and pain I went through on this day. i was placed into a mental health hospital. - 7 years ago today The Process of being put into the hospital can be read here. And there were so many emotions going through my head and questions to be...
My Life Stories 002| A Medicated Mess
Sadly, a lot of my life I’ve spent medicated both legally and illegally to calm me down or blank my brain to save my head from wandering. Causing me to become a medicated mess, this prompted me to make quite a few bad and silly choices in my life. including drug addictions to Legal Highs An...