Results for "Mental Health"
My Life Stories 002| A Medicated Mess

My Life Stories 002| A Medicated Mess

Sadly, a lot of my life I’ve spent medicated both legally and illegally to calm me down or blank my brain to save my head from wandering. Causing me to become a medicated mess, this prompted me to make quite a few bad and silly choices in my life. including drug addictions to Legal Highs An...

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KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 24/05/2012

KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 24/05/2012

24/05/2012 23:59 Inpatient - Nursing Title:Night Shift Li was at the nursing station at the start of the shift and asked if he could go to bed which was agreed. He was observed to be asleep from 22:00 and has appeared asleep throughout the night. - ---------------------------- Confirmed By...

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KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 23/05/2012

KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 23/05/2012

23/05/2012 23:59 Inpatient - Nursing Title:Night Shift Li was in bed at the start of the shift and appeared asleep. At the check at 23:30 he was noted to have wet his bed. Staff woke him and encouraged him to change his pyjamas and his bedding was changed. Li could not understand why he had been...

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Li Jean-Luc Harris Referral From pediatrician

Li Jean-Luc Harris Referral From pediatrician

Referral made for a developmental assessment by the Paediatrician paediatrician referral received from, Health Visitor, regarding developmental concerns. Concerns were regarding locomotor, fine motor and speech and language. Li uses a dummy and is reluctant to remove it. He is under the care of...

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