Sometimes Placements just don’t work out, and that’s fine. A Disruption meeting will be called when a placement is close to breaking down or has ended abruptly this will normally happen prior to a Stability meeting but can be escalated straight to a disruption meeting depending on the placements Warning Procedures or the circumstance of the issue
An advocate is someone who will support you to make sure that your views and rights are respected, that you are treated fairly, your concerns are taken into account and you have real control over the big decisions in your life.
Local Authority
If your unsure who your local authority is you can use your postcode and visit the NHS Local Authority Adult Social Care services database or ask your care giver or social worker / personal advisor. Normally your local authority is set in your place of birth. if you was born in Kent but got moved to a london borough. in most cases you will remain a looked after child or adult with Kent County Council
3 years working with independence-development Ltd. (IDL)
I was desperate for a new job, and I had past ties with Independence-Development Ltd. (IDL) I first started working for Independence-Development Ltd (IDL) back in August 2017 when I was still stock-taking for OCS I had been desperately working every shift I could get but I still could not make...
The incident at school that led to my hospitalization.
Disclosure, this post contains content relating to Self Harm / Mental Health that some people may find distressing, and relates to a true story and incident that happened to me at school while in the Ellington and Hearson school James is a fictional name for Data Protection. The lead up to the...