Li Jean-Luc Harris

Li Jean-Luc Harris

Hi, My Name is Li Jean-Luc Harris and I am the founder of Looked After Child. I'm a care experienced person, who shares my real life stories about Mental Health, Being in foster care, addiction and homelessness growing up. and sharing everything I've overcome since then. I currently work as a support worker for Semi-Independence "Leaving Care" Placements as well as studying Residential Childcare Level 4. I'm also available as a motivational speaker and have already spoken at events for care professionals and mental health professionals promoting better care and mental health to young adults. View my Life Story Or To Read My personal Website
I Went Back To Therapy With IESO Review and Actual Session logs

I Went Back To Therapy With IESO Review and Actual Session logs

Disclosure - This is not a paid for review and was done on my own doing with no financial gain I have to admit it, even after years of having my mental health under control, I almost broke again. I; Li Harris. Still suffer with mental health. and that is OK. this is a story about my journey...

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I’m Grateful For Life

I’m Grateful For Life

Revision: 1 There is lots I should be thankful for, and I need to reflect on the good more. I've tried thanking so many people personally recently. But not everyone is contactable. This is my public thank you to the people who have made massive impact too my life. Mum I want to say thanks to my...

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Looked after child has incorporated

Looked after child has incorporated

Looked After Child is officially trading as Looked After Child Limited. And is a limited by shares. It is formed of one director Li Jean-Luc Harris Looked After Child Limited, will make income via offering courses to looked after Children and to health and social care workers in the United Kindom....

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Rebranding / Website Changes

Rebranding / Website Changes

We are back online after a short downtime to introduce some updates to our branding /  Looked After Child now has a new logo which better reflects the brands move into promoting the lives of children in care, its also a lot more modern we have also made a few quality of life updates to better reflect our mission and statement

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my first public speech about growing up in care | Looked After Children Promoting Equality Of Opportunity Conference

my first public speech about growing up in care | Looked After Children Promoting Equality Of Opportunity Conference

It’s always been my dream to speak in public, but also a fear. but with persistence and a lot of courage i was able to use my not so desirable upbringing to some good use. and to help other professionals looking after Children in care. this is a story about my recent Speech and how Li Jean-Luc Harris has overcome his fear of public speaking after attending Looked After Children Promoting Equality Of Opportunity Conference @ Open Forum events Manchester

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i am a product of generational trauma

i am a product of generational trauma

but I was determined to break the cycle of generational trauma As soon as I was placed into my second foster care placement. I had to readjust to life as everything  I had thought to be in a “normal” family was challenged. my second foster carers did an amazing job of showing me how a family should function and that constant chaotic situations and violence was not normal.

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Why I Work In Health And Social Care

Why I Work In Health And Social Care

Why is caring for Young People With Mental Health Is Important? Like with everyone. We all need a brilliant start to life. We all need to be nurtured and loved. And given the development and life skills, we all need to excel in life. Being on the frontline and suffering with Mental Health Myself...

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Better Care Goal

Better Care Goal

This Post Will Outline How we Plan to Build a better care foundation. it will include statements on why I'm setting up the foundation and mission statements. Last Update: JAN 2022Status: Jan 16th 2022 - 1st Edition.Review: 22 Why Is The Foundation needed? What about care is wrong? There are many...

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Sectioned under the mental health act aged 15. At Kent and Medway adolescence hospital, (woodland House) Staplehurst Kent (KMAH)

Sectioned under the mental health act aged 15. At Kent and Medway adolescence hospital, (woodland House) Staplehurst Kent (KMAH)

I was checked into the Kent and Medway Adolescent Hospital, Woodland House, KMAH and the careers left me, the day had already gone past, i was scared and afraid. being only 15 and already suffering with a lot of past truama i could only think bad things where going to happen

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