It’s always been my dream to speak in public, but also a fear. but with persistence and a lot of courage i was able to use my not so desirable upbringing to some good use. and to help other professionals looking after Children in care. this is a story about my recent Speech and how Li Jean-Luc Harris has overcome his fear of public speaking after attending Looked After Children Promoting Equality Of Opportunity Conference @ Open Forum events Manchester
Why I Work In Health And Social Care
Why is caring for Young People With Mental Health Is Important? Like with everyone. We all need a brilliant start to life. We all need to be nurtured and loved. And given the development and life skills, we all need to excel in life. Being on the frontline and suffering with Mental Health Myself...
Better Care Goal
This Post Will Outline How we Plan to Build a better care foundation. it will include statements on why I'm setting up the foundation and mission statements. Last Update: JAN 2022Status: Jan 16th 2022 - 1st Edition.Review: 22 Why Is The Foundation needed? What about care is wrong? There are many...
do i really want to care for people? and how can i help the industry.
In an industry i love to pieces. And one that has had massive impact on myself I still wondered.... could i continue working in social care, could i continue looking after young people whom have had experience similar to mine. the answer will always be yes. But not because i love the system. but...
New Direction. New Career. But why? and how? – From Technology to Carer
New Direction. New Career. after dedicating a good 10 Years into computing and technology. last year November of 2019 I started to realize I had lost my love for what once was a passion. don't get me wrong I still love technology but not on the level I did... the company I work for needed some...
i am a product of generational trauma
but I was determined to break the cycle of generational trauma As soon as I was placed into my second foster care placement. I had to readjust to life as everything I had thought to be in a “normal” family was challenged. my second foster carers did an amazing job of showing me how a family should function and that constant chaotic situations and violence was not normal.
Placement Stability Meeting
A Placement Stability Meeting will be called when the placement of a child in foster care, residential or a semi-independence placement is considered to be at risk of disrupting.
Regarding Li Harris Discharge From Kent & Medway Adolescence Hospital
LH aged 15 . (Li Harris) Nairac Bertrand (EAST KENT HOSPITALS UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST) Sent: 12 July 2012 13:09 To: anathanson@tavi-port Attachments:12.07.12 attachment to ana~1.doc (39 KB) Dear Mr Nathanson Tam grateful to your secretary-receptionist who helped me on the telephone this...
KMAH Clinical Records / Event Notes For Li Harris 24/05/2012
24/05/2012 23:59 Inpatient - Nursing Title:Night Shift Li was at the nursing station at the start of the shift and asked if he could go to bed which was agreed. He was observed to be asleep from 22:00 and has appeared asleep throughout the night. - ---------------------------- Confirmed By...
Admission Summary (Part One) Kent & Medway Adolescent Unit, Woodland House
SOUTH LONDON AND MAUDSLEY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST NAME: Mr Li Harris DOB: 30/11/1996 ADDRESS: *Redacted Foster Carers Address – By Author* GP: Dr HJ Roux, The Bethesda Medical Centre, Palm Bay Avenue, Cliftonville, Margate, Kent CT9 3NR DATE ADMITTED: 01/05/2012 CONSULTANT: Dr Helen M Garrett...
Kent County Council Professional Meeting 8 February 2011
Ms Lawrence reported that she was asked to carry out a Language and Social Communication disorder Assessment for Li and discussed with Carol a lot of background information and there were significant behavioural issues. There were also concerns and reports coming from the school relating to...
Li Jean-Luc Harris Kent County Council (LAC) Looked After Child Review, February 2013
Any illnesses or hospital admissions since last review? If yes, details Verona house have now managed to .establish links with the hospital *Redacted The Thing" and are progressing the appointment. This information will be passed to the 16 Plus team Highlight any other outstanding...