Results for "Foster Care"
NHS Sussex Partnership System Clinical Note

NHS Sussex Partnership System Clinical Note

Clinical Note Author Unknown (Migrated) Type Unknown (Migrated) - Unknown (Migrated) Summary Social Worker Note Date Date 27/04/2012 Time 16:31 Entered: 27/04/2012 16:39 Clinical Note: TDD AMPH BACKUP CONTACT: 16.00: T/C to Karly Ratcliffe, SW for Li ) *Redacted By "NHS Sussex Partnership" - she...

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Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends QEQM Hospital October 2010

Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends QEQM Hospital October 2010

Attended a Clinic at QEQM Hospital accompanied by foster carer attendenced regarding blood in clothing and sheets. some blod tests have been performed FBS UNE TFT and LFT bone profile and CRP all normal. Urine dipstick also performed - no signs of infection.   The foster carer had reported...

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Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends Enuresis Clinic, August 2010

Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends Enuresis Clinic, August 2010

Li attended the joint enuresis clinic with Dr Saffi-Ullah accompanied by foster carer. Being seen in clinic for his nocturnal enuresis. Was last review ed in January 2010. He has been using Desmomelt 250 mgs daily at night. He was advised to have a trial off of Desmomelt when he attended the last...

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Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends a Clinical Appointment, April 2010

Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends a Clinical Appointment, April 2010

ttended clinic with Dr. Sarmah. Li Health Health record attended with his foster carer following a referral for a history of current UTls and male odorous Redacted by author -"The Thing" etc. Li has had a long standing history of Redacted by author -"The Thing" infection and a smelly Redacted by...

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Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends a Clinical Appointment, November 2008

Li Jean-Luc Harris Attends a Clinical Appointment, November 2008

Attended clinic appointment with Dr. Saffi-Ullah, Paediatrician, accompanied by his new foster carer. Li has been treated with different local cream, anti fungal, for the infection in his Redacted by author "The Thing" and is awaiting an appointment with a dermatologist. Dr Saffi-Ullah. Did...

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Li Jean-Luc Harris Publicly tells the world that he is gay

Li Jean-Luc Harris Publicly tells the world that he is gay

After a lot of fear had built up inside of me after My First Foster carers Sally and Peter denied my sexuality and 3 more attempts after this, which i later redacted due to fear of rejection Li Jean-Luc Harris finally announced to the world that he was Gay And Proud. my outing happened over 3...

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