Li Jean-Luc Harris
March 3, 2023

Last Modified

Jan 23, 2023 @ 8:31 am

Li Jean-Luc Harris Kent County Council (LAC) Looked After Child Review, December 2010

by | Mar 3, 2023

Main Review

Highlight any other outstanding health/developmental needs/issues not referred to above and whether any changes are needed to the current health care arrangements

Li Harris has undergone a few investigations in respect of the concern relating to blood in his urine and unpleasant odour that surfaces at times. QEQM hospital paediatrician  has communicated stating that test came back normal and his urine specimen came back with mixed growth. However, they did not have enough Clinical grounds to subject him to be a ward of court for an examination. I have written to all health professionals involved to request a multi agency meeting following recommendation for Dr Nairac to offer Li a consultation to see if more information could be gathered from Li.

Highlight child/young person’s achievements in school since last review (both academic and non academic achievements)

Li has been doing very well in Geography, History and DT.

Comment on quality of the attachment between child/young person and carers

Li appears to have a good relationship with Carol and John Thomson.

Highlight any issues/concerns regarding child/young person’s sense of identity,
social presentation, religion, language, culture, sexuality, disability, gender

Li still has a very small network of friends and appears to struggle with peer relationships. There is a concern that his health issue particularly the unpleasant odour may cause him to be a target for bullying. There are also issue in respect of Li’s relationship with his father



Li did not want to meet with the IRO before his review. He stayed throughout the first part of the meeting but issues came to light that needed adult attention and Li was asked to leave. He is still not happy with the quality of the contact with his mother.


Most had been implemented but Li has stopped going to scouts and he has not had any therapeutic input.


The placement continues to meet Li’s needs. Carol writes that in the comfort of the placement in a safe environment he is fine. There are no behaviour problems. She is concerned that he continues to spend a lot of time in his bedroom where she thinks he is self harming but Li will not talk to her about it. Mental Health Advisor  has been offering advice.

He accompanied the family to Minehead at Butlins but did not join in any of the nightclub activities. He was involved in some prank phone calls to Brother’s previous carer


he has stopped attending Scouts. He does go the library where he used to meet his older brother, but his brother has been banned.


Li is in year 9 at Ellington and Hereson School. A PEP was held on 08/06/2010 and another is arranged for 1 st December. The school report was available and Li
would benefit from some PEA monies but he has refused any offers of tuition. His attendance is excellent but his behaviour has become more problematic and has  led to an exclusion. The IRO advised that the social worker should have been aware of this and invited to the reintegration meeting. Carol said that Li was to be provided with a time out card but this has not materialised. Li seems to be struggling more with the unstructured times and there have been altercations with other students. The referral for speech and language assessment has now been processed and Assessor was  present today and had completed a chronology. She will be offering Li the opportunity for an assessment.


Self harming is more unusual in males and needs to be dealt with sensitively. A Professionals Meeting was held on 15th October and an email dated 29th October states that Li is now on the waiting list for a service from Oaktree. Li continues to be worried about his family, even though he is in care. Speech and language therapist s chronology details various concerning themes. His behaviour in school this term seems to have deteriorated too. A mental health assessment is indicated.


Li has had a ‘fall out’ with dad and does not want to have any contact with him. He has arranged himself to see his younger half brother, Aiden. This is possibly also because he is worried about him. He still feels that his contact with his mother is unsatisfactory. Social Worker has met with mother to try to make a plan so this will need to be tested. The IRO stressed that he should not go to his mother’s home for unsupervised contact.
He is in touch with Oldest Sister, Middle Brother and Oldest Brother and sees his Nan quite regularly too. He seemed quite amused that Brother would be moving to live with a homosexual male couple.


Li Jean-Luc Harris is subject to a Care Order.


Li is quite settled in his foster placement. It would seem that Li is self harming and the carers will need training about how best to help Li. Li has been referred to Oaktree services. The IRO is concerned about the amount of blood loss and the lack of
information that may be needed about wound care
The care plan needs updating. The IRO is recommending that another professionals
meeting is held to plan services for this troubled boy. All agencies to complete
chronologies and forward to the social worker by January 14th.
Elaine Bentley is due to start some social skills work in January.
Clare Lawrence will be undertaking a speech and language assessment
Life Story work should be on hold.

Care Plan

Li Harris to Remain A Looked After Child

Discussions / Recommendations

1. Li to remain in his present placement.
2. COAS and Care plan to be completed based on information from all  agencies
3. Professionals meeting to be chaired by the district to be held on 20th jan at 12.30pm to include Wayne Bennett, CAMHS manager. Gilly Lucas to provide the CAMHS chronology
4. LAC education adviser also to attend
5. IRO to read health information.


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