Li Jean-Luc Harris
March 8, 2023

Last Modified

Jan 24, 2023 @ 4:27 pm

Kent County Council – Social Services Department Closure/Transfer Summary New Social Worker, February 2010

by | Mar 8, 2023

Date, Source and details of referral

Li Jean-Luc Harris has suffered emotional abuse living with both parents individually and together. He has witnessed domestic violence by his parents and by mother’s previous and present partners.

Redacted by Social Services 

Redacted by Author – sensitive Family Information

Li and brother were accommodated on 28/01/08 at request of father. LA were in process of initiating care proceedings following negative parenting assessment of father. Li and brother moved to father’s care on 28/08 after request by mother who holds Residence Order for them. Father had not seen Li and brother for almost two years following acrimonious private proceedings which led to Residence Order being granted. No contact order was made due to Mr Harris’ refusal to attend contact as it
was to be supervised due to his aggression.

Significant Changes in People or Circumstances since referral

Li Harris and his brother became looked after in 2007. They were placed separately at Li’s request and Li moved to his long-term placement in October 2008 with Carol and John Thomson where he currently remains. There is also an 8 year old boy and his 5
year old sister in placement. Prior to being looked after Li had been living with his father and there had been significant periods of time when he did not have contact with his mother. Since being Looked after Li did not have contact with his father for 2 years.
Li currently has unsupervised contact with his mother Julie Hagan on a 3 week cycle:

Week one-(Li’s brother) and his mother
Week two – Li and his mother
Week three- Li, Brother and other family members and mother Julie.

Li states that he no longer enjoys this contact as they often spend the contact walking round the shops. Mum finds it difficult to manage her time between the twins and the boys and contact is currently being reviewed.

The current plan is that local authority fund for Younger sisters  to go to Wally’s World so that Li and his mother can talk.

Li’s father did not wish to have contact with either Li or brother when they became looked after as he did not agree with the decision that it would initially be supervised. This resulted in Li not seeing his father for approximately 2 years. In May 2009 father contacted the department stating that he was prepared to see his son’s supervised as he wanted to work with social services for his sons. It transpired that at this time father had met a partner Redacted by social Services Li wished to have direct contact with his father at the same frequency as he did with his mother. However it was agreed that he could have supervised (Social worker) direct contact fortnightly at six bells. In early November 2009 there was a verbal altercation outside 6 bells in which father became angry with Li’s foster carer Carol. Contact was cancelled by Social Worker and following this Li stated that he no longer wished to have direct contact with his father but maintained phone and facebook contact. In November 2009 Father  stated that ‘he was informed by Devon Social services that he was not fit to be around children’ and refused to have contact with Li or brother until both local authorities held the same view. Li also has unsupervised direct contact with his maternal grandmother Sheila between 3pm-5pm on a Saturday every 8 weeks in her home. This is arranged between foster carers and Sheila.

Actions Taken and other Resources Deployed

  • Li currently attends the amalgamated The Ellington and Hereson School and is in year 8 – AEN . In year 6 Li struggled to remain in the classroom. In year 7 he was at the Hereson site and is now at the Ellington site. He has managed this move well although there have been a few behaviour issues.
  • Li’s behaviour at school can be challenging and he can be verbally abusive however school are able to manage this.
  • An assessment for statement of education was applied for when Li was in year 6 however this was refused.
  • A speech and language referral has been made for Li however further information has been requested. Social worker liaised with school and another referral has been sent.
  • Li attends 6 weekly review appointments with Dr Nairac at Orchard House regarding his diagnosis of ADHD and Li receives medication to aid his concentration in school.
  • Li suffers with enuresis and attends regular appointments at the enuresis clinic. Li is also prescribed medication for this.
  • Li has suffered from an unpleasant smell in redacted by author – “The Thingarea since July 2008. Li has attended numerous medical appointments regarding this however he has never allowed anyone to examine redacted by author – “The Thing” 
  • Since January 2010 there have been 3 incidents of blood being found (once in Li’s bed and twice in redacted by author – “The Thing). Advice given by GP, Dr Nairac, LAC nurse and redacted by author – “The Thinga is that it is vital that Li is examined
  • Redacted Paragraph By Social services

Aims Achieved

  • Contact with mother Julie to be reviewed and possibly supervised.
  • If father wishes to have contact with Li this is to be arranged at a frequency of not more that six monthly.
  • Continue to liaise with sexual health worker and LAC nurse regarding Li’s ongoing health concerns. redacted by author – “The Thing will visit Li to advise him of importance of being examined.
  • Carol to arrange an appointment for Li with a female GP in order for him to be examined and referred to redacted by author – “The Thing as recommended by sexual health nurse.
  • Needs matching meeting to be held at fostering to review Li’s current needs. Redacted by author – should have been redacted by Social services to be honest (Information regarding carers kids that is not relivent)

Reasons for Closure/ Transfer

new social worker



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