Li returned home last night in the early hours and went straight to bed. Li was then up and out of his room
at 11.25 and went to the toilet before returning back to his bedroom where Li has spent the majority of the morning and
afternoon. Li then got in the shower at 13.30 and then returned back to his room at 13.50 to get ready for the day ahead.
Staff ask Li if he is going to take his forms down to his doctors and then go into spec savers and let them know he has
changed address and Li stated that he will be going out soon so will do it then. At 16:00 Li comes downstairs to cook his
dinner supported by staff while cooking his dinner staff spoke to Li about returning his new patient form back to the
surgery and Li mentioned to staff that he have no prove of ID but staff asked Li to use the letter that has been sent to him
to this address and Li agreed to do that on Friday when Abe come on shift to walk with Li to the surgery. Li has dinner at
16:40; after eating his dinner Li relaxed in the lounge with staff. At 17:00 Li goes out to visit a friend at Westbrook. Staff
phone LI at 22:35 no answer. TC to Li no answer at 22:45. Li phone staff back and said he is still at his friend’s he will be
back later he asked staff not to wait for him as he have key to the front door.
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