Li came downstairs dressed at 11 :00am this morning although he said he had been awake for an hour. Staff
discussed his tasks for the day, although Li seemed to lack motivation to get the tasks done. He told staff that he got in at
2:30am as he was at his step dad’s friend’s house. Staff asked him if he would like a lift later to drop his forms to the
doctors, Li said he can walk himself. Staff then had a look online to source a local NHS dentist (See key work report
LH0S 20mins) Staff also advised Li to go to Specsavers in Margate to inform them of his change of address. Li then went
up to his room. At 13:S0pm Li came downstairs and told staff he was going out, staff gave him the GP forms and asked
him to ensure he hands them in. Li said he will if he goes near the doctors and left. Li has not returned home all evening
and still did not return home when staff settled to bed at 23.00.
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